
Friday, March 19, 2010

Iron Angel 2

Iron Angel #2
Another angel from the Iron Angel Series.
This is the first one I made and I like her very much!
You know that feeling you get when you make something and you could care less whether anyone else likes it or not and then possession (I mean obsession) sets in?
She is more monochromatic in color.
This is what got me making more of them.
I am using the antique gold, glamour black and silver Cernit here.


  1. She's just beautiful Marie! I love the monochromatic with the watch parts! Fit's her perfectly..

    I know what you mean about not caring what others think of something you created.. I made a series of ghoulie gurlz on canvas's and well lots of people didn't like them... but I loved them. Where they are now I don't know... basement I think :)

  2. Oh Marie, I love her too...her tiny little mouth, the pieces of the watch around her head. I also like the monochromatic's comforting. You are quite awesome Marie, yes you are. **blows kisses** Deb

  3. I love her! I've had very few pieces that I've painted where I felt this way, but the few I've had.....awwww, it's a great feeling! It's what keeps me trying.
    You're SO good Marie!!

  4. I like this one even better.

  5. She's fabulous! I love all the colors and the different textures of this piece. If you love her...someone else will definitely love her too!

    Have a great day.


  6. Oh Miss Marie ...she is stunning! The colors are so soothing and her lil face is so cute! I'm really loving the key on her and the watch parts...i would have never have thought separately it would all work...but she is "workin it"!!! big hugs Beth

  7. Marie!
    These are awesome! I think she's great.
    Big Hug,
    Tina G.

  8. oH wow, this is gorgeous. I came here from Ces' place.

  9. Hi Marie, Wowww Sweetie, she's gorgeous also! I do believe you're on to something big here! Your work is awesome! I love, love, love your Iron Angel series!
    I hope that you have a great day and a wonderful and beautiful weekend!
    Hugs and much love...

  10. I do too. I am glad you like it too. Thank you so much Pattee.
    Even though I have to make these, it is always so nice to have some one else like them too!
    The metals in the watch parts are all kinds of colors and it just kind of fits with the wire and the clay this way.
    Maybe it is time to bring the Ghoulie girls out again!!

  11. Really cool Marie! I like the melding of things.....I think you're onto something!
    Just a quick check in---retreating to my couch and serious snoozing....LOL!!!
    Can't wait to see the next!♥♥♥


  12. You don't have to worry if any one else will like this, beacaus it is fantastic!!!


  13. Thank you Deb, I thought her mouth might be a little prissy.
    The parts around the face is brand new movement. Good eye girl! The next one will have something different all together. I end up making so many things cause I play with things over and over again until I get what I like, usually never finding a permanent postion.;-D
    Thank you again Deb, Have a great weekend.
    Love and huge hugs.

  14. It is a good feeling isn't it Darla? I did not say that I do not love having some one love it.;-D
    My initial impression is just sutble. I remember saying in my head "this is cool!" and "I might keep this one".
    Thank you Darla, takes one to know one!
    Have a great weekend.
    Love and hugs.

  15. I so much love this one! Beauuuuuuutiful! ;)

  16. Thank you so much Jan! Have a great weekend.

  17. Gorgeous! I just LOVE her heart. WOW!
    You are SO amazingly talented!!
    And thanks for your sweet note on my blog. :-D

  18. Definately the mnost powerful & visually expressive yet. I like where these are going.

  19. She reminds me of an aviator! She may be the lead angel of a crew of angels, soaring off into glory!! You do get us going..... LOL Hugs, Lynda

  20. Interesting piece Marie!

    Popping in also for a belated howdy.

    CK (-:

  21. Marie, your Iron Angels are so COOOOOL! Love the halo around her head. And those antique KEYS, too! The color scheme is perfect. I imagine these beauties zipping through the skies on their angel Harleys. Vroom vrrrrrooooooooom!

  22. Oh I also love it when I am directly under Bella. Hahaha!

  23. Marie, do you know how great you are? I mean really, look at your creation? Do you even know?

  24. No Marie, I really do love her little mouth! I noticed it right away. LoVe her. BIG. BIG LOVE. Question. Do they need to be watch parts, or does handy dandy Marie also take the watches apart? MIL has quite a little collection of cheap watches! **blows kisses** Deb

  25. Hello Marie,

    An iron angel - there's a tough sound to it but you made her just as sweet. It's always amazing to here people create something - not exactly knowing at first what or where it will end up. And then slowly something starts to form. There's always something extra special with handmade things. Just knowing the time spent and the love poured by that someone is what makes it extra extra special. Love the colors used too with its soft hues.


  26. WOW Hun i love this one alot !!!! your iron angels are the best i just love them, the heart on this one is just stunning i love all the clogs and stuff put into it xxx


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Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.