
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3rd Giveaway- the Renee Bracelet- Life and Death

Life and Death- This 3rd giveaway is influenced by a dear blog friend, Renee. Renee has Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), she is the same age as I am, and you can share her story on her web page here, . She talks about her real life and experiences dealing with this disease. I have learned a lot from this woman and consider her a sister-friend through the connection of the blogs and I love her.
This is a copper wire bracelet with Cernit polymer clay beads and each bead is made by me and the wire wrapping I did myself. It is wrapped and made with prayers, love, and good intentions for Renee, it has big JUJU kids.
There is also a condition to this giveaway and I trust you, on your honor for all that is good, that you will follow these rules before you comment on this post. Yep, this is the one; I am going to make you do tricks.
1. You will have to take the time to go and visit Renee's blog and read at least two of the entries. If so inclined proceed to show her the love.
2. You will have to offer up a prayer, a good intention, a loving or healing thought for Renee and her family.
That is all I ask, for together we are stronger and can heal and start to change this crazy world we have had a part in making. I believe in this and I want you to believe in you and your power to change things. There is nothing I can do to change Renee's situation but this and I do believe with your energy, we can help me do something. I do believe in magic, I do, I do! 
You can also read about why I am having giveaways
This giveaway will close on August 19th at 6 PM PDT.
Thank you.
Blog about this and post the link here and I will give you another entry.


  1. I LOVE this bracelet Marie. I am off to read Renee's blog and will definitely offer up good thoughts and a prayer for her. Cancer touches way too many people. My aunt is battling anal cancer right now. Her son (my cousin who is the same age as I am) battled colon cancer last year and is clear right now. I hope for my aunt to win this battle, but I am very concerned as it has spread. I hope Renee wins this battle. Cancer sucks.

  2. You are an amazing friend Marie and I know Renee loves you too...I met her a while back and she has been a bright light to all of us...I love her too and learn from her each and every day....It is amazing how many friendships grow through blogging and sharing our daily lives..


  3. Oh Marie, what a sweet, wonderful, sharing, loving, friend, sister and woman you are! How beautiful this post, this giveaway and this bracelet are! I don't know Renee personally, only through her touching and inspirational blog, but I to love her and pray not only for her but for her mother, sister, nephew and family! They've all been through so very much! She is in all of my prayers and so are you my dear friend and sister! You have the biggest heart, you're so special to all of us Marie and I know that Renee will treasure this to! Today you made me cry, but in a very special way, you're a wonderful lady and I love you!
    Hugs to you and love...

  4. You are a very kind person. I am blessed to have never been touched by cancer in my friends or family. I did stop by Renee's blog. I'm sure she values your friendship. BTW, the bracelet is lovely and you are so sweet to give it away. Take care, Susan.

  5. Marie, thank you for guiding us to Renee's blog. I am touched by her words and am sending healing meditations her way.

  6. Marie, I did make a post for Renee and your 3rd Giveaway on my blog, here's the link:
    I want everyone to know that Renee is in my prayers and so is her family. I hope that through your post and in mine and I hope in others as well that we all can make a difference for Renee and her precious family!
    Marie, you're one of a kind and I'm so blessed to know that you're my dear and good friend and I love you! Hope that you day is wonderful!
    Hugs and love...

  7. My dear Marie, I am so touched. More than touched actually.

    Thank you dear heart.

    The bracelet is beautiful.

    Love Renee xoxo

  8. Lovely bracelet.

    Hope you are having a nice week.

    Chris (-:

  9. What a wonderful bracelet, Marie! I feel the same about Renee as you and so many others do. I visit her blog every day and have learned so much from her! You are both such special women!! Hugs, Silke

  10. A beautiful bracelet and a wonderful way to bring more people into the fold of positive thoughts, prayer,and healing powers for Renee. Now through all of our blogs, more and more will be lifted up for her. Blogging is such an enlightening pathway to each other, so many new friends and such good people. Thank you, Marie. Love and hugs, Lynda

  11. I just finished my post, and it's just darned exciting when you think about how many more people will get involved with Renee and her family because of YOU, sweet Marie. Mine will run Friday 'cause I wanted it to be for a full day, and had tomorrow's post scheduled. Swoopin' Along at
    G'night all you good people out there in Blogland.

  12. This is a beautiful bracelet and I love that you're sending more people to Renee! I'm so very glad I've found her as well.
    I would definitely love the opportunity to win :)
    p.s. thanks for visiting and leaving such awesome words♥

  13. What a beautiful, thoughtful, and heartfelt gesture. I was just visiting Darla, and I came over to visit from there. I have read Renee's blog before. I have to be honest with you, and everyone who reads this.... Not only from the standpoint of her bravery and courage, but from the depth of what Renee shares on her blog- I was blown away. I can say that I look at my life so differently now. I will also offer a prayer for her too. oxoxox

  14. I love Renee, always read her and offer up prayers for her I guess I fit the criteria :)

    Seriously, I love this bracelet. And Renee.

    Good for you!


  15. A beautiful, thoughtful and loving sentiment Marie.

    As for fishing, I caught a very big fish, why it was so big, the weighing scale could not hold it. Thanks for the serenade.

  16. I follow Renee religiously... and we email back and forth ... She is a very dear friend of mine... I think that this is a kind and thoughtful giveaway Marie... If I win that's Fantastic... but if someone else goes to read Renee's blog and is touched then they should receive the bracelet.

  17. Hi Marie,,, what a special and incredible woman Renee and her family is. I have read and read so many of her posts. I am so speechless. I am sending all of my love and positive, happy thoughts to her. I was having what I preceived as such a bad day. How selfish of me. What a lesson. What a great reminder to open your heart to whats is really important in this life. Thank you for that. ((())) hugs my friend. luv, gail

  18. What a beautiful bracelet for a beautiful made with a beautiful soul in mind.
    Renee is gorgeous and shares so much with her readers. I think of her every day.

    Marie, you are such a caring individual xx

  19. So funny Marie....

    I just got Wayne's book from the library :)

    Can't wait to get funny we will be reading it at the same time.

    Have you seen his movie "The Shift", it is great!

  20. you are always so sweet Marie!!! thanks for popping by!!!


  21. Hi Marie!!! you have been really wonderful and I love that we met....

    I have an award for you on my blog....your friendship means a lot to me!!!


  22. Hi Marie, Just checking in to say hi and to ask if you would stop in at my blog, there's a few things there waiting for you. Have a great day!
    Giant hugs and love to you...

  23. Popping in to say hello & wish you a lovely weekend.

    Chris :-)

  24. How are you feeling dear Marie. How is the family.

    Love Renee xoxo

  25. What a great idea for reaching out and making a difference. I love the braclet and the support it represents. It is very special indeed!!
