
Monday, June 22, 2009

Raven vomiting Diamonds

Beau Dick, Kwagiulth
Hands of Creation 1990
"The raven is a symbol of creation for my people. The raven's wings are depicted as hands. The stream of abalone that flows from the raven's beak represents the seeds of creativity."

How perfect is that?

I know it sounds silly, but it moved me. This is before I saw the card and read it. Sometimes you just gotta fly by the seat of your pants.
Purest Green at "where there are no chickadees" is having an unusual giveaway. It is called the postcard project. Right side of her blog, if you want to take a chance.
You can read about it here
and here
and here

I signed up. I was enticed by what she called "raven vomiting diamonds". I know, weird thing to be enticed by, but I love ravens and if they are regurgitating diamonds it can not be a bad thing.

And then I forgot about it.

A week later I got the card you see at the top. There was no description when I signed up, only her words, "Raven vomiting diamonds". I love the card, it is a Canadian card, sent from Scotland, to the USA. With a cute note to me from Purest Green. How cool is that? And my world is way bigger.

Well, I am a visual person, when others are talking I get visuals like a movie screen in my head that spits out images. Some times this is good and as you can imagine, some times it is very interesting. I really don't think about it much, it just is and always has been.

This time it was good.

You know that frame I told you how to paint. Well... this is what happened to one of them.
Read about it and the instructions here
And if I tell you to "stop, I am getting a visual", you will know it is probably interesting.

Tah-dah "Raven vomiting all kinds of things"


  1. Seriously Marie that is a beautiful frame.

    Don't ever eat berries from a yew tree they are poison.

    Love Renee xoxo

  2. Thanks Renee!!

    I figured they were because they used it for treatment.
    They are just very cool looking!

  3. I am excited to see you painting too.

    Yeah Meta.


  4. Me too the last time I painted I painted a shirt, and the time before that my bathroom wall. (forest)
    I use paint all of the time and use the information that I gained from painting everyday.
    But when I put down my brushes in the 70's I pretty much let it go.
    I am having fun and feels new.
    Full circle maybe?

  5. Holy vomitus! Diamond-vomiting avians! Where can I get one of those? The only vomitus I get are the regurgitated half digested not diamonds at all! Happy Monday Marie.

  6. Happy Monday Ces!!!!!
    I don't know where you can get one the only ones I have are pictures!!

  7. Actually, I know a dog who pooped diamonds, that's because he swallowed them!

  8. I am fine. I am with my sister and we are laughing so much.

  9. Yes, I am laughing, by orders of Bella.

  10. Marie the threesome that became a foursome.

    It will be again.

    I am anxious to see some painting. Bring it on.

    Love Renee xoxo

  11. Oh I just love the raven on your frame - so beautiful. Thank you so much for the link! I've gotten another postcard request because of it - hurrah! I'm so glad you liked it. If I find any more raven cards, I know where to send them. :)


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.