
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hello to you all

I am fine and I am well. I hope this post finds you all the same.
Life has been full for me
I find that my life is moving so very fast, this year is half over now and it  has seemed to have flown by.
Do you feel the same?
Thank you to the few of you that were concerned and wrote to ask if I was OK.
You made my days. I missed you all. I am OK.
If ever you want to see what is up with me and if I am still alive, you can check my face book pages.
The link is on the right hand side, just scroll down a little or this is it
I have a ton of pictures over at facebook on my class and the museum show pieces.

When I got back from my parents in Florida, I had things to do to catch up after Cabin Fever (more about that later) and I got ready for a class at the Mingei Museum in Balboa Park, San Diego, California.
It was wonderful. The women that helped me bring this all together took very good care of me.
They mixed all of the clay, they printed all of the handouts,the set up a power point presentation, so I could have a larger over view for the students, they coordinated all of the students and took the registrations,set up all of the tables and seats in a beautiful room at the museum.

I was so grateful for their competent and never-ending work and sweetness. Thank you Johanna and Jackie!
I wondered the whole time how I got so lucky to be able to do this. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

This class was part of a Gallery exhibition on polymer clay at the museum that will be ending on the 17th of this month June 2012, you really should go if you are in the area here. It is Polymer Clay History in the making. It is the brain child and pure love of a woman named Elise Winters. Thank you Elise, it was so wonderful to see your vision come to reality in such a brilliant way!
Elise's web site is the Polymer Clay Archive and you can see it here.
Both the Mingei International Museum in San Diego's Balboa park and the Racine Art Museum in Racine, WI now have permanent collections of polymer clay. That is one big step for polymer clay, yay Elise, ya did good.
I have been keeping up with both of my stores(links on the right, scroll down), writing, playing with the greatest Granddaughter in the world (Madi and I are trying to make a garden too) and living the good life.
I have some traveling scheduled this year too.How did I get so lucky??

I will be playing in here when ever I can again, I miss you all. Thank you for being here and still visiting and reading this humble blog while I took some time.
Tell me what you have been doing, I would love to know!!

May light and love shine in and radiate out from your beautiful hearts.


  1. Hello Marie, I am so glad to hear you are ok, I don't do Facebook so if it isn't here I don't know about it lol.
    I have been making Dragons to wear as it is the Chinese year of the dragon and a Phoenix but the latest design is my Diamond Jubilee necklace if you spare a moment it is on my blog. I have been gardening too but our weather has been so wet, windy and cold it is a bit disapointing as yet.

  2. So so lovely to see you back Marie!! I have missed you!!! As the years goes by time seems to move even faster - really strange. But there are so many little things to be happy about - I love that about life. As for me - knitting and a little claying....

  3. So happy to know you are well. I agree. Time flies so fast. Keep on creating beautiful things Marie. Take care. Tsup!

  4. Thankfully, I am able to keep up and stay tuned via FB. Love your work and have been enjoying what you've posted from the museum.

    Glad to see you're staying busy and in demand!! Have a good week, Marie.


  5. Marie, I'm so glad to see you back in Bloggerland! I thought something happened to you. Glad it wasn't that way! And those beads look great. Don't know if you saw the link to my blog in your mails, so here it is again:

  6. Glad to see you and catch up on everything. Yes, I feel the same way; the year is half gone and I don't know where. Glad the workshop went well. Congratulations on being part of Elise Winters' vision. -Marlene

  7. Glad to have you back. I wanted to send an email to see if you were ok but I didn't want to get too personal in case there was a problem.
    Good to have you back.

  8. Hi Marie, glad to see you back! You are right, time is going by much too fast... I can't believe the year is half over already. Sometimes I feel like I can't keep up! Glad you're staying so busy, have a great week!!

  9. **clapping of many hands** You are awesome! And a little dynamo!
    **happy smiles** Deb

  10. YEAH!! Let the fun begin - again -
    I was getting really bored

  11. Thank you for caring Jackie.
    It sounds like you have been busy while I was away.
    I love the Diamond Jubilee necklace, well done!!
    It is warm here and I am late with the garden but planted anyway.
    Tomatoes, radishes, basil, and some kind of melon, I can remember which one.
    My daughter bought me a blueberry bush for Mother's day so I put that in.
    The Grand daughter is helping so I am enjoying it. If I could just teach her not to dig them up once I plant them.
    Thank you so much for stopping by. It was very good to hear from you!

  12. Hey Dear Lone!
    I know, I feel as if I am in a vortex.
    Maybe it is because my days are so full.
    I would rather be busy though, wouldn't you?
    You are such an optimistic girl, I love that about you! You always choose joy!

    I have missed you dear. I see on face book you have been busy knitting.
    I love the blue sweater with the reddish trim! Wow, what a knockout!!

  13. Hello Ces,thank you for stopping by.
    All is well and my days are full of an inquisitive 3 year old mind, she keeps me running... oh,and jumping.
    She is a good and kind girl though and is growing like a little weed. Eats like a horse but is so busy she burns it right off.

  14. Georgina, thank you, for keeping up with me. I love the museum show stuff, I am so proud of my fellow polymer clay artists and how far we have come, so fast.
    I am so glad to be busy too.
    I love that.

  15. I am fine Kokopelli! Just a busy with life and making a living.
    Thank you, I love the beads too, very fun to make and pretty basic.
    I love what you did with the steampunk buttons. Those bracelets are wonderful.
    Awesome job!!

  16. Thank you MaReyes! Thanks for stopping by!!
    ¡Gracias MaReyes! ¡¡Gracias por pasar!!

  17. Thank you Marlene,that is so kind of you to say!
    The days seem to fly by, I think I am just trying to do so many things and I have so many ideas that I cannot fit it in 16 hours.
    I still have things I want to try at the end of the day.

  18. You can always e-mail Bonnie!
    I am real good about saying I don't want to talk about it if I don't,been working on that!!
    Thank you for the welcome back, I appreciate it.


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.