
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something of interest- Etsy's best

I don't usually do Etsy showcases, but in one day I was sent some interesting stores.
The first one is someone who I featured in one of my blogs Halloween weekend. She is the Day of the Dead Catrina I took a picture of at the Day of the Dead Festival.
She saw my blog and contacted me, how cool is that?
Here is the blog post
She also sent me some much better pictures to share with you.
This Catrina's name is Nathaly
She has two Etsy Shops too.
One is for shoe accessories and hair baubles, Lola Lolita
And the other shop is a vintage finds shop with things from all over the world. La Femme Moderne
Take a look at Nathaly's shops, she has incredible things in them. 
I love this blog! I am so excited to meet and know more about Nathaly and to have better pictures of her too. At the DOD Festival I wondered about her and who she was. I did not get to talk to her there at all, she was surrounded by people most of the time.
What an incredible costume.
How can it get better than this?

 The second wonderful shop is from a fellow guild member and friend, Beth. She thought I would appreciate this shop. The shop was featured in her paper on Sunday. She knows I love Day of the dead and art, so she sent me the shop only a few minutes after Nathlay wrote me. I thought this must be a blog post or something.
This my friends is Raw Bone Studio 
Cute, right??
These beauties come from the mind of Robin Romain.
I love these tin can skulls, It is a skull and tin can, how can it not be more perfect? Sardine cans?? Can it be my next palette? I seriously doubt it, I can not stand sardines. I will leave that to Robin  and her friend and artist Joe William Crabtree.


  1. This is great Marie - I will check out the links. Thanks!!

  2. Thanks Donna, have a great time looking around.

  3. Love, love, love those sardine can creations. Like you, I'm not a fan of those smelly little fishies, however, I do love smoked oysters and have a few of those cans, cleaned of course, in my "can" box...hmmm, cute idea.

    Have a great week.


  4. you are a patron of the arts, marie. who wouldn't rejoice to have you on their side?

    those life size skellies are amazing. i hope pam (yoborobo) sees them!

    happy holidays my friend. i hope you are in good shape. i am shocked to say i am. taking my Mother's advice: one wall at a time....

    love love

  5. Those skulls are amazing aren't they Georgina??
    I thought of you when I saw them.
    Such fun!!
    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!Smoked oysters. Well they are probably very good for you right.
    All too fishy for me.
    I will have to stick to my chili cans that I use.
    Green chilies are so much more my speed. ;-D

  6. I do like most art. I see it as an expression of the heart and soul.
    Just the idea that someone would take a huge chance like that and place that precious gift for all to see makes me smile big.

    I hope Pam gets to see it too. I wonder if her computer is still down?
    Happy Holidays to you too my friend.
    I am doing ok. My shoulder is not.
    Throws a big damper in my plans. Que sera sera!

  7. Wow I love everything about this post. Wonderful.


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