
Monday, September 19, 2011

I made this! Halloween Album, part 2

LOL!! I guess I didn't hit the post button oops!

I hope you all had a great weekend and I wish you all an even better week ahead.

This is continued from part 1 here

And this is the rest of the album I made.
I forgot to show the inside front cover and 1st page.

The skull pulls out and can be written on and a picture added.

This is another page and I got to use one of the all over punches that Martha Stewart makes. They are very cool and work really, really well.
The card behind is red and the spider and web is the punched out black paper.
Ravens marching along the bottom of the page.

Another skeleton page. This is one of my favorite punches, Jodi and I call this iron gate, probably not the name but we like it.
This is a great page and the colors are standard Halloween. I love it. A photo will fit under the moon and bats on the right page.

This one is a favorite. I love the whole book. The vampire and the moon are printed on plastic. The tombstone is also.
Two paper is silver and gray are for photos and writing.

 This is another favorite. The witch is one of the best pre made decorations I have seen for Halloween. The cloak is velvety.
How about that spider web and spider boarder? Another Martha! She rocks on these punches in my opinion.

And the final page is back to the raven theme again.

The book is full and it was so fun to do. I mean how much better can it get when you go hang out with a dear, dear friend and make something awesome that makes you smile too!!
Lucky me!
Have a good week.


  1. Hi Marie! This album is AMAZING! Each page is better than the next! :)

  2. No worries, it is the same book Stacy!!

  3. Thanks Theresa, I get warmed up after the first couple of pages.
    Maybe I should start from the back next time!

  4. Marie, love, love, love!!


  5. A beauty collection ... full fantasy!
    :) Senna


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Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.