
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hi, I'mmmmmmmmmmmmm back!

This has been quite a week. So I decided to take the time off to fully be in the week.
I hope you all have had a great week and I missed you.
I got back from my friend Jodi's after book making and staying up all hours, going out with her and Jimmy to dinner at BJ's with Mojito's (Yum) with no major problems. I had a great time, which is probably the only reason I kind of slid through the whole week of interesting changes.

I would go over it for you but, I would rather not rather not relive that week again. Everybody is alive and well, so it is all good in the end.

I taught Jodi how to do the Coptic binding to the best of my ability. She liked it and we each made a Halloween Scrapbook by combing the Coptic book binding with Scrap-booking. I mean, it had to go there, right?
These are the cutest books, I will show you those at a later date.
What I wanted to share with you was this book I made with a closure on it.
I glued some clay pieces on the front.
Jodi bought me a new toy, it is called Big Bite. It made those pretty little holes you see in the book above. I am in love with this thing, beats the heck out of an ice pick any day!!
That is how I made my holes in the books before. Sets eyelets too. ;-D
Nothing better than a tool that does a great job! I have a bunch of other things in mind for this baby too.
Coptic binding on the edges with waxed linen beige cording.

Craft paper pages for journaling or artwork.

But... tiny! Isn't it cute? 2" tall by 1 1/2" wide.
I just had too.
I set the eyelet on the back for the string to tie the book closed with my new tool too.

I just tied a piece of the waxed linen through the eyelet with a square knot and bam! you have part of a closure.
That cording ties around a brad and a circular piece of card stock to make the closure.
The hole for the brad was cut with the Big Bite too. The big bite is not just a hole punch, it cuts through chip board and multiple layers of chip board like butter. It also has a long reach on it which makes it perfect for books.
Have a great week everyone. Be well, and breathe.
Did any of you have an all out crazy week last week?


  1. That is the cutest book ever. I would love to learn how to make one. I have the BigBite. How did you get your punches to line up so perfect on such a small space?

  2. Your "booking" looks like fun and it sounds like you had a really good time with you friend. We all deserve those moments. Good for you. Oma Linda

  3. Marie, the book is just precious!! I love it!! Have a great week and keep on doing all those "lovelies!"


  4. What a cute tiny book! I'd never have guessed it was that small. Hope all is well with you and yours.

  5. Welcome back! You tiny little book is too cute for words!!!

  6. Here I thought it was a big book and then there it is tiny as tiny can be!! Wow - you fooled me and great job too!!

  7. I thought it was a big book too. This is much cuter. Now I hope you like this news.... you are the winner of Steel Wire Jewelry. Congratulations.

  8. Nice to have you back! Thanks for showing off your new "toy" & the adorable book!

  9. I just love this tiny book!!! It's adorable!!

  10. curiosity has taken hold of me! i'm glad everyone is okay.

    i will need to come back here and follow your instructions more closely. i'll need to be more awake than i am now! so for now i just want to say hello it's nice to know you.


  11. That is such a cute little book, I love it Marie! :)

  12. Happy you're back and SO sorry I am late in visiting!!! Your new book is absolutely adorable. You have such a gift for creating these!!! :)


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.