
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday Wonder- egg me on

I love bizarre art and to see something that works from waste makes my heart sing for some reason.
I think it gives us all permission to create some thing out of so-called waste.
Dutch Artist Enno de Kroon gets an A in my book! Go to Eggcubism on his site and click the links on the left. Eggciting!!!
Picture courtesy of Enno's site

The new canvases of the future.
I have always thought that someday we would have to make something beautiful out of our waste, cause we are running out of places to throw it.
Visit Enno's Flickr site for some new works and some eggstravagant pieces.

Visit the Amphora series on the right scroll down a little, one of my favorites!

Also if you want to see some other interesting works of Egg carton chic visit the site Best of Texas for a instructions on a set of eggsquisite fairy lights.

Fave Crafts this week sent out their newsletter and it was all on waste art. You can sign up for this newsletter on their sight. They always have great tutorials and lots of ideas in them. You can subscribe here
All the links below are live, have fun, and a wonderful Wednesday Wonder kind of day!!
Do not throw it away, make art out of it. That is eggsactly what I have been trying to tell my family for years!!

Hello Thrifty Crafters,

You've all heard the stats--throwing plastic away is detrimental to the environment in so many ways. So what's a thrifty crafter to do with all that plastic trash? Craft with it, of course! Save the planet and make something cute, before it's too late!

Crafting with Plastic Trash Basics

  1. 14 Easy Water Bottle Crafts (shown)
  2. How to Make Plarn
  3. Uses for Plastic Coffee Creamer Cups
  4. 8 Ways to Craft with Bottle Caps
  5. 8 Ways to Craft with Plastic Trash
Gifts from Plastic Trash
  1. Plastic Cup Vase (shown)
  2. Plastic Bottle Lid Art
  3. Cat Bottle Bank
  4. Plastic Lid Photo Frame
  5. CD Case Picture Frame

Plastic Trash Jewelry

  1. Water Bottle and Straw Necklace (shown)
  2. Bread Tag Jazzy Jewelry
  3. Fused Plastic Jewelry
  4. Water Bottle Paper Bracelet
  5. Recycled Plastic Jewelry


  1. Marie, the painting are amazing...who'd a thunk it!!??? I'm always throwing away those paper egg cartons, knowing full well I can do something with them, even it's in my paper mache mixture, but I don't have room for storing everything, so I let them go.

    Also, thanks for the links...great stuff! Have a creative and lovely week.

  2. Oh, his paintings are just the beginning. If you go to his Flickr site he has all kinds of constructs too, amazing stuff.
    I would love to save everything for when I might need, but I don't have place big enough.
    I love that you put egg cartons in your paper mache mixture Georgina!! Brava!!!

  3. Great ideas. Our plastic bottles we recycle and get nice money for it. Cans are recycled too. The egg carton idea is just great. I'll have to check out the site. Thanks for the links.

  4. Wow - I didn't even realize it was an egg crate at first! That is so very cool. :) You always find amazing art, Marie! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. This artist is awesome! I've been following him on FLICKR for years. He never fails to amaze me!

  6. The egg carton art is amazing! I'll have to check out his Flickr site, too!

  7. Amazing! That justseems to be the perfect canvas for his style of painting.

  8. I recycle too, Gloria. Comes in handy sometimes.

    But the egg cartons I am always looking at and thinking, there has to be something I can do with these.
    I really liked the lights I saw on that one link. Very cool. There is also a lady on Etsy that makes egg crayons and sells them in the egg cartons with a little wood shavings, that is very cute.
    Then Georgina uses them in her paper pulp mix. And Enno paints on them.
    I am think there are probably a lot more uses for egg cartons.
    This is so good!

  9. Thanks Theresa, I love looking for it.

  10. Enno is very good Wanda, and I love how his brain works!

  11. You should Debbie, it is amazing.
    ...and fun.
    Love the mini egg cartons he had made.

  12. I was wondering Janie which came first, the style of painting or the egg carton? ;-D


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