
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

African Trade beads-part 10b and my winner for the 1st set of earrings

is the winner for the double ring earrings from Part 9b, the third giveaway

Congratulations Carol, get me your address so I can send them out to you!
You have 48 hours to get back to me.
And now to the rest of the tutorial.
The supply list is on that post.
Hope you having a wonderful week so far.
Thanks for making me laugh yesterday. It felt good and I am so glad you are enjoying this.

Last picture from yesterday.
Cut half of the coil in half. I push my thumb and forefinger down and apart on the end of the coil and slice through. If I press the coil on each side of the end together, I will trap the blade there and it is hard to cut.

This is the half of the coil.

You are going to put the round side in to the dip of the heart above the point on both sides of the point. So I flatten out the rounded side of the coil and little and make the curve flatter.

See the flat edge is curved slightly now too!

Cut off another section from the coil you made in the beginning to do these coils. I cut off a little over an inch.

Roll the coil out to about 3".

Press down to the table or work surface with your thumb and forefinger forming an upside down "V". Press down the length of the coil.

Like this.

Put the point you made on the coil in to the dip between the upper lobes of the heart on top.
Then take the edges and flatten to the lobes or around them.

Like this.

Roll out a sheet of yellow on the thickest setting in the clay machine. Cut off the leading edge for a straight edge to start with that is at least as wide as the heart cane coil center.

Trim it on the side so it is the same width as the coil is long.
Wrap the coil and roll the leading edge over the other end of the sheet and gently make a mark on the other side of the sheet. With your blade cut just inside that little line with the clay blade at an angle so the edges meet.
Cover the coil again the same way with yellow.
You will have two layers of yellow on the coil.
Cover now with a sheet of red that is rolled out on the thickest setting in the clay machine like you did with the yellow sheets.

Here is the cane so far.
I am going to stop here and continue this is part 10c.
Sorry, but blogger starts to get weird on me with these long ones and it is so much easier to do them in parts.
Part 10c
See you tomorrow and have a great tuesday!
Breathe in, breathe out.


  1. Thank you, thank you Marie. These earrings are going to be so much fun to wear. I have emailed my address to you.

  2. Congratulations Carol! I got the email, thanks. I will try and ship them out for you today or tomorrow.

  3. Marie - I love seeing these tutorials. You make such amazing things! xoxo Pam

  4. Thnaks Pam! What a lovely thing to say, you make my days.


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.