
Friday, March 4, 2011

The other blogger and pressie from the One world one heart event

OK. Last, but in no way least, is the bead I won from Pam Brisse from The Blue Between. or
I adore this little guy. A sweet birdie glass bead. The hole runs vertically through the bead so this is going to make a wonderful focal bead.
he was wrapped sweetly in tissue, tied with a bow, and came with a Pam card, saying "Happy OWOH".

Pam has a blog too you can go here or here
Pam talks about her beads and jewelry, her gluten free life (I love this part), and her family.
A great blog, she is funny and the look of the blog is bright and breezy like the beach on a just right sunny afternoon.
I am really enjoying the recipes she is posting. Going to go back there again and again.
I think the gluten free Lemon Bars are calling my name, OUT LOUD!

She likes Udi's pizza crusts, they are the best I have ever tasted so far for gluten free. It is not gluten laden thick and fluffy crust like Bruno's in San Marcos, California, but it is good, especially when you are professed pizza-a-holic on a gluten free diet.
If you live down my way, you can eat gluten, and you are in San Marcos, go to Bruno's and try the olive oil and garlic pizza, it makes me cry it is so good!
I can make a pretty close imitation at home on the Udi's pizza crust.

Pam also has an Etsy store here or here

Because of Pam's work, her sunny attitude, and her gluten free diet, I will be visiting her again.  
And you should just go visit, too!!
Thank you Pam! I adore this little bird bead you have made with your own two hands and I will treasure it forever.


  1. You lucked out again! What a beautiful little treasure! Thanks for sharing, I shall have to check out her links.
    Hope your day is a good one.

  2. Such a lucky girl you are ;-) Thats a very beautiful bead! I'm gonna check out her blog too.

  3. Congratulations dear Marie!!! What a treasure! Wish you a lovely weekend. Hugs and love!!

  4. Heyyyyyy! Welcome back, Marie! I'm so happy you had a good time and took a little break for yourself. And Yayyy! It's always nice to be welcomed home with a few beautiful gifts. Have a fantastic weekend!!!! xoxo

  5. Beautiful bead! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love this little bird! It's so cute!! And, Marie, all the food talking made me hungry!! ;o) Have a great weekend ;o)

  7. what a tweet, marie!!! seriously, i can see why you love this little bird. makes you smile just looking at it.

    one more thing about you: you are so generous in your acknowledgements and praise for other artists. you take the time, marie. you have the best heart.

    i know, because i am a grateful beneficiary.


  8. He is just SO perfect! I love this little guy. Thanks for sharing Pam's talents with us! Theresa

  9. just so you know: i love you too and you are # 28 in the angel department :)

  10. Jan I did. It seems that all of the things I got were tailor made for me.
    How can it get better than that?

  11. I love the whimsical feel of this darling glass bead, Donna. It pleases me and it feels good too!

  12. Thanks Lone, I feel like a winner!
    Have a great week.

  13. Hey Bella, it is great to be back. I would love to be able to get in the swing of things again.
    Maybe it is spring fever!

  14. Thanks Debbie, I hope you had a great weekend too!

  15. Oh, I wish you could try that Pizza, MLC. I have dreams about it. ;-D
    Have a great week.

  16. What a very nice thing to say kj. I think it is the least the artist deserves for sharing their beauty.


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