
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday Wonder- I wonder if I am going to get it all done?

Sorry, I have been missing in action. I am getting ready to go to CHA,,  there are many things to do. Making biz cards, prepping for my classes, making notes on who to see and what to do. Plus getting my clothes together, packing, on and on.
I love going.
I am also getting ready for OWOH and I haven't even started that yet. OH NO!!
I must have that ready before I leave, LOL!
Ok, now I am crazy.
Also, I have been loading up my new esty story and trying to load the other one too.
That is really a lot of work, taking pictures, editing them, writing something clever, measuring the pieces, loading it in, re reading for mistakes which you never find when you are proofing all of your own writing.
I thought when I first started I would just put stuff in the stores and it would magically sell, LOL!!!
No, there are treasuries, networking, preparations, blogging, facebooking, making pages, favoriting people and their stores, OMG it is never ending.
LOL! I love it and I am in front of the computer as much as I can.
I really enjoy being busy and being productive, so I am grateful.
Something does get put a little in the background though and instead of trying to keep up with everything by taxing myself, my little blog space has slipped a tiny bit.
I am sorry you guys, I will be back and I will visit, just give me a little time.
Thank you all so very much for your support and lovely comments on The Bottles of Hope post. I am so glad I posted it now.
Thank you again, Love and huge hugs to all of you!

Oh and Happy Anniversary Honey, here is to another 32 years.
I love you! We are blessed!
And to my blog buddy Anne and her darling husband, Happy Anniversary to you two too. Theirs was yesterday.


  1. Hey Marie, Happy Anniversary to You and Howard! You are always busy. Glad you are on top of it all. Hugs and Prayers that it all goes as planned. Kelly

  2. Sorry I am late checking in:
    Love that pin with the fleur~~it would match my dress. ;-)
    I have no idea how you do it all Marie....I bow to you. I'm doing good to find my checkbook! (no joke...)
    Hope you have a bit of quiet time and a nice vino toast today!


  3. want something done? ask a busy person.

    i've always liked that and it's so true. the best part is you are having fun. it shows. it even migrates.


  4. 32 years!! Wow, good for you!!! Happy anniversary ;o)

  5. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Marie!!!! Here's to many more happy years. Your post made me laugh a bit - you sound like me. It's not easy to run a shop - there is so much involved. I know you'll have your OWOH post ready to go in time! :) Theresa

  6. Marie! You are a busy bee, but I am like that, too. I like to be busy - but not crazy busy. ;) Etsy is a lot of work, and so is blogging and all of it. It's like juggling. I've dropped some balls in the last few weeks, and I hope to pick them up and toss them back in the air! haha! And I need to get my OWOH piece done, too! Eeeeeek! Happy Anniversary! xox Pam

  7. Whew! I felt tired reading YOUR schedule! You're amazing and still time to make the beautiful creations. Cool!

  8. Oh my, that is a very regal looking medallion!

    Happy Anniversary to you and your wonderful husband! Thirty-two, wow!

    Good luck with all the preparations. Keeping busy is stimulating and great, but I do hope you find some time to wind down and relax, too. Have funnnnnnn!

  9. Happy Anniversary, Marie! How wonderful to be celebrating 32 years!!
    Your pin is GORGEOUS. I LOVE it!! We are so blessed, aren't we?
    Have a wonderful trip.

  10. Happy Anniversary Marie and Marie's hubby :)

    Have fun at CHA - don't panic, I've not made my OWOH piece yet either! Eek - where did January go?

  11. Happy Anniversary! Oh you're joining OWOH, how wonderful! You make such pretty clay ornaments! I'll be sure to check in again. I think the bottles of hope ministry is great! I'm sure it gifts a lift to the patient's day. Patsy from

  12. Marie you are one of the most busiest woman I know... all that and your beautiful granddaughter....

    You are also one of the kindest, sweetest most supporting woman I know as well.

    Happy anniversary!!!



I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.