
Monday, June 7, 2010

Hi and I am back...a little at a time.

Sorry to have left you all for so long. I got slammed! Not with anything important, just overwhelm.
I needed some time.
Not long ago I opened an Etsy shop  I am now finding out how much work people put in to doing a great job of promoting and selling, photographing, listing, reading, making, studying, packaging, treasuries, and all of the things that make a good shop go. All this while trying to take care of someone that does not like you being on the phone, computer, vacuuming, or anything electronic or mechanical while she is awake.
What was I thinking?
It was coming together beautifully, my blog buddy Theresa at "Welcome to my World"  did a wonderful post for me and another artist Emily of "Nothing but String"  on her thursday artist features
We both did a giveaway. My winner was Lisa at Pearl Avenue Studios
Check her out, she is so talented.

As are all of these women above. So many talented people I am blessed to know from blogging. I feel so lucky. I love this blog world we live in. Very hard to be away from this long, but I knew I needed to step away from this damn computer for a bit!

My part in Theresa's giveaway was to make the winner a custom heart. I told Lisa to tell me her vision for the custom heart. This is what she said
"I am particular to bees, numbers and letters. Vintage worn and torn things that looked washed out, and sepia tones, robins egg blue with sepia washes"
OMG!!! I love these. Thank you so much Lisa for sharing your vision with me. I absolutely adore them. Lisa picked one,  the one with the large bee and I will be listing the other two in my shop soon.
I love when someone shares their vision with me.
Am I the winner here or what?
I almost feel guilty, I said "almost".

So now thanks to Theresa my store is making some progress, I have stuff loaded up there, and I am trying to list stuff every week.

Hi to you all. I hope you have a great week and I will get around to see you soon.
I am clearing out my spaces, playing with my darling electronic hating grand daughter Madi, making stuff, and trying to do all I have to do in life, and still keep smiling.
Thank you all for sticking around, "I'll be back!!"
I feel better now!


  1. Hi Sweetie, Wow those are gorgeous Marie...I loveee them! Goodness what a fantastic vision she had and these are all so beautiful! Thank you so much again for all the help today...I very much appreciate it! I hope that you have a good rest of your evening, talk to you tomorrow. Night-night.
    Hugs and much love...

  2. Thank you Bobbi!
    You are so welcome. I hope it is working well for you!

  3. Marie, everytime I see something new you did, I am amazed even more. I think, the true sign of an artist is to be inspired by someones vision and turn it into an amazing work of art, which you have definitely done with all three of these hearts. I am so glad we became blog friends and so happy to own some of your work.

  4. I love these pieces, Lisa is very fortunate as am I. You needn't feel apologetic when you need to take time away from blogging. It is supposed to be fun! Not a chore. always good to see you though.

  5. Hi Marie, I am so happy that Lisa liked her pendant. I knew she would. :) They are all so pretty. I'm sure the other two will get scooped up quickly. I love the sepia and "washed out" look to these. There is always something new to explore. :) Theresa

  6. Hi Marie, I love your new pieces! Sorry to hear that things are a bit overwhelming for a minute. I'm glad to hear you are back on track. Sounds like your little munchkin loves all of your attention and doesn't want to share you with anything or anyone, bless her heart. (But isn't that what Grandma's are for?)LOL

    Hugs sweetie,


  7. Marie, these are absolutely beautiful--I would not have thought I would have liked the lighter colors but they really are lush!
    I have no idea how you're doing everything, and that's why I am still sitting in the dark, hiding from Etsy! LOL!!
    Take care my friend!


  8. Oh Miss Marie...they are so pretty! I don't know that I could have made a choice!!! Congrats on your shop and I am hoping huge sales for you. I, too suffer from the "Mammaw play wif me" type grandchild!!! Funny in a couple years they will loose interest in us for these electronics they so don't like right now...reminds me...need a where is that child??? lol Your art really seems to be reflecting beautiful!!!! have a great ya Beth

  9. Hi Marie - OMG! I love these! You are a genius! I am AWOL, too. Life gets in the way of our creative plans sometimes. :) I will be back to visit you in a couple of days, and to go drool over your etsy shop some more. :)

    Give Madi a big hug from me! xoxox Pam

  10. Dear Marie,
    Thank you for sharing these pendants. They are so beautiful and so full of a loving heart. Gosh - congratulations about your Etsy - hope this is working out for you!!! And that you find a way to take care of you and to fill up your heart. Don´t let others take all your energy - we need your extraordinary voice in the world.
    Big hugs!!!!

  11. Thank you so much Carol. You are so sweet, can you come live with me?
    I was moved by Lisa's vision and it must have been one of those right time, right space kind of things. The vision bloomed in my head and had to be made.
    That is why I love doing the custom ones, especially with some one who is very sure of what they are particlar to! It happened very clear and very quick.

  12. I do have fun doing it Jan, that is why I have a hard time leaving it alone for a while. There is so much to see, so many people to visit, and so much to do. This is where my little kid comes out. I am so afraid I might miss something. ;-D

  13. Thanks Theresa. You and Lisa both like the same one.
    There is always something new to explore and revisit, that makes life beautiful doesn't it?
    Thank you again. and again, and again!!! LOL!!

  14. Thank you kj... for everything!

  15. Thank you Pam! Someone told me the other day that it would probably be like this till she was 3, LOL!! Do you want to take bets on if I make it? I don't.
    Thanks so much for staying in touch. I hope all is well with you sweet one.

  16. Thanks Anne! I agree with you, who would have thought they would be this lush. I love color so much that I tend to stay away from subtle, but I love love love these and they are very very rich.
    Oh come on Anne, don't you want to be crazy like me? Har har.

  17. Thanks Beth. Lisa said she did have a hard time choosing, lol! My favorite is the scared heart. It has hints of gold in the flames, on the flower and on the little bee.
    You are so right about the kids, they do grow so fast.
    I just love the hugs, and the little pat pat pat on my back. Gosh, I love that.
    Thank you Beth!

  18. Thank you! Hi Pam, yep got lost in space somewhere and when I looked up I got smeared!!
    I hope you are ok.
    I am coming over to see why.

  19. Thanks Lone, you are a sweetheart!!
    I am working on taking care of me and then not feeling guilty about it.
    Thank you for your wise words.
    Big hugs to you too!

  20. It does tend to get a bit overwhelming for me at times, too, even without a sweet little one around! I try to remember that the joy for me is in creating and I do the best I can with the rest.

    Go easy on yourself--Madi will so appreciate all the time you spent with her when she gets older!

  21. Marie they are so beautiful! All of them! Loving the bottom on, yep I think that one is my favorite. Your ETSY shop is gorgeous! Wishing you a restful evening!


  22. Oh wow wow wow, those hearts look FABULOUS! Hahahahahaha to little Madi! I can't blame her. I think I'd want you all to myself too.

    Gosh, a store is a lot of work, isn't it. You're doing a fantastic job, Marie!


  23. Aaaah! This is what Bella was talking about. Ugh! I will never open a shop. I will be a total loser or failure at making money as a merchant. I will just give away my art and die happy. Glad to see you Marie. Tsup!

    Say hello to Madi, the real boss!

  24. Oh LOVE! You made me giggle about Madi! She a little demanding of your attention. I must go visit your ETSY again. I am missing a bit too...tea party readiness. **kisskiss** Deb

  25. I think Madi thinks I am just the clean up person and the one that gets the food Debbie. LOL!!
    I hope she sees our time together with fondness later.

  26. The bottom one is my favorite too, Dede!!!
    I do like them all though.
    This series is turning out to be a blast!!

  27. Thanks Bella. It is a lot of work, but I am loving doing it. It is just time consuming. It is also a little hard to do with Madi. As soon as I get in to somehting she'll poop or something wonderful like that! LOL!!

  28. It is hard not to give it away Ces, so I do both. I have so much stuff. I have to make some money too.
    I need to do this so I can stay home with Madi, or I have to go get a job somewhere else.

  29. Yay!! Tea party, Deb. Last year was so good, I am looking forward to this year! Yay!!


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.