
Monday, March 15, 2010

My sweet little Madi is One

I have been away, Happy Daylight Saving Time and Monday!
 I have been cooking and helping with Madi's 1 st birthday party.
There were 15 toddlers, 25 parents, cousins, grandmas, grandpa, aunts and uncles.
The noise was high, the chasing continuous, the eating non-stop, balloons and helium fun (that was the parents), laughter (lots of that), cake (a special cake for the Birthday girl, made by her Great Aunt J), poopy diapers, spilled food, pizza, bottles, pictures, toys, clothes, and Oh the dishes!
It has been a crazy year. This little girl came in to our lives in March, she was and is all that is good in life.
She taught us how to be happy again.
She helped us remember our girls being young.
She brought us all together as a family again.
She is sunshine on cloudy days.

She likes to have fun!

She has a sense of freshness that she shares with all of us.

She is a little girl with big dreams and we love her.
Happy Birthday Madi, we love you so much!


  1. Ah, Happy Birthday Madi! Your grandma is so proud of you and loves you to bits - it is so obvious when she blogs about you! And rightly so!

    They grow up so fast - I love babies at this age. Sounds like you had a wonderful (and exhausting) time! Glad you're back Marie!

  2. What a treasure! Happy birthday to little Madi!

  3. Hi Marie, Happy, Happy Birthday to the most precious lil 1 year old! aww Marie she's soooo darling! I just want to give her the biggest hug! I'm happy that her party was a total success! Hmm...where's the pictures of Madi eating her birthday cake at??? I'd love to see those!

    Don't they grow up so fast! I know my youngest granchild, Aden is already going to be 4 years old and my oldest grandson just turned 13 years old this past December. Gosh, my sons are almost as old as me now and my grandkids are moving along so quick that they'll be as old as me soon. lol

    But what a total joy they all are! I realy don't know what I'd do without them!

    Hope you have a great rest of your day! I'll talk to you later.
    Hugs and much love...

  4. Happy Birthday MAdi! Grandma is beaming just a little at the moment; it wasn't that the sun was out extra bright!
    Hope you had a good day and enjoyed your special cake---you seem to have lots of good people who love you much!


    P.S. Tell Grandma I said "HI!"

  5. Oh, Marie! This brought tears to my eyes. Give that cute little girl a big old hug from me. :) It seems like yesterday that mine were little like that. :) She is a breath of fresh air, your Madi! xoxoxo Pam

  6. Happy Birthday to Madi! Marie, she is beautiful! Children do so much to make our lives go right and to put everything into perspective, don't they? Each one is a special gift.
    Glad to hear you had such a great weekend!

  7. Happy Birthday Madi!
    What a little sweetie she is.
    Tina G

  8. She is so sweet. It's amazing how quickly this year has passed. Happy Birthday to Madi!

  9. Happy Birthday to Madi , a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Your description of the birthday celebration sounds like when we get together , awww ~~~ the fun and the madness.

    ~ Birthday Blessings ~

  10. what a little sweetie, happy birthday Madi

  11. Hey SusanC, she is growing like weed and it seems there is some new talent to enjoy everyday.
    She hardly made a noise at the party, just looked around like we were all out of our gourds. Then when it came time to go to bed we could not get her to calm down and she stayed up almost all night. LOL!
    I think she was excited about her new toys.
    My daughter has decided to only have parties on saturdays, that leaves sunday for the come down.

  12. Thank you Barbara! We think she is the cat's meow.

  13. What a wonderful post Marie! Isn't being a grandma the best? What a beautiful bundle of joy. All things good in that alot!
    Happy Birthday Madi!

  14. Aww thanks Bobbi. I am so glad it went well too!
    My friend made Madi her own special cake with a teddy bear on top, it was so cute, she kept looking at us like we were crazy to tell her to eat the bear. LOL!
    I think she thought it was a stuffed animal or something, and she loves her stuffed animals, I don't think she even puts them in her mouth. I don't remember seeing her do that anyway.
    Well you are going to have another one to take Aden's place as the youngest pretty soon. Just keep adding those grandkids on there, girl!LOL!!!
    Can you believe the oldest is 13? Wow!
    I love having the grandkids, I don't know what I would do with out them either. They are so fun.
    Hey I hope you are feeling better today.
    Talk to you soon.
    love and hugs.

  15. Oh Anne and the sun was awesome on Madi's party day.
    I think it was about 75 and just perfect.
    We were so glad, it threatened rain the day before, but was just beautiful on sunday! Lucky us!
    Madi says "thanks Miss Anne"

  16. What a treasure she is! Just beautiful and I know the light of your life. Where did the past year go? Happy Birthday Madi! Hugs

  17. Thanks Pam, and I gave her a big hug from you!!
    It seems that I am getting to re-live my children's infancy through Madi. That went too fast for me. I don't remember being this focused, I was so busy when mine were little and I flew through the whole thing. It does seem like yesterday though!
    I think she is a very special little girl, but all grand parents say their grand children are special, don't they?

  18. Thank you Debbi, I think Madi is gorgeous. But Grammas are sooooooooooo biased.
    You are right, she does make our lives right and give me so much perspective. It is all about love and caring for someone. It is priceless.
    Have a great week with your diamonds!

  19. Thanks Susan! This year has passed so fast and we are a 1/4 of the way through the next one.
    Where did it go and where was I?
    Have a great week.
    Madi says "Thanks miss Susan"

  20. Thanks for Madi's brithday wishes Laura(Faerielore)
    have a great rest of the week.

  21. Being a gramma is the all time best Oops! She is such a good natured little girl, except when teething and she has been doing that a lot lately. I can understand though, teething must be awful!
    Madi says "Thanks for the Birthday wishes Miss Oopsie"
    Have a great week, love and hugs.

  22. I guess the past year just flew by Lynda. I can not believe how fast it has gone by either.
    Madi says "thanks for the bithday wishes miss Lynda".

  23. Happy birthday to little Madi! What a cutie pie. :) Theresa

  24. Happy Birthday to my youngest best friend! I have something for my Madi on my blog!

  25. Thanks Theresa, she is a very good girl!

  26. It is the little ones that make things fun, don't you think JoyceAnn?
    I love seeing them all play together and run after each others bottles.
    This bunch of kids is a blast to watch and they are all very nice kids. I am very proud of the people my daughter has picked to be in her life. They are also very nice to me and pa.

  27. Auntie Ces, you are the best.
    Gramma and I both think so!!!
    Love you bunches and bunches Auntie Ces!!!

  28. oh my heavens!!! how did I miss thissssss!!! Happy Birthday Sweet Madi!!! I hope you had the greatest Birthday ever!!!

    WOw time sure flies when we look at children doesn't it!!

    She is so so cute!! and I know that you spoil her...she is worth it!!! and you are one amazing Grandmother!!!


  29. Beautiful, beautiful Madi! Sounds like you had the most exciting birthday celebration! Made me tired just to read about it. But you know what? As great as your first year was, this next year is going to be even BETTER and MORE amazing! Walking, talking.....oh the things you'll do! Happy birthday, little one!

    Marie, you are so right. Little babies make us see the world with fresh eyes and renewed energy. Bless 'em! Hope you are resting. You deserve a vacation!

  30. She is such a beautiful little girl!

    Happy 1st birthday!

    Parker's birthday is on the 14th. :)


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