
Sunday, March 7, 2010

My first winner OWOH- Debbi from Diamond Grove

Debbi from the blog Diamond Grove is my first winner and this is her Angel. She loves fall and anything to do with fall.
She wanted an angel and is an angel from what I can see on her blog and the small amount I have talked to her.
She calls her children "Diamonds in the rough" and posts on thursdays something she calls "thankful thursdays" (How beautiful is this? I love it) .
She loves to craft and is happily married with 3 little angels in training.
Debbi also plays with the clay and I am so happy this little angel is going home to her. Her angel is filled with inspiration to aid her in her love of crafts, home, and gratitude.
Check out Debbi, my 1st angel (I mean my 1st OWOH winner) and her blog Diamond Grove - Debbi says "where I am surrounded by people and things that help me shine".

Debbi's angel is adorned with a crown of acorns, has a heart and wings hand sculpted of antique gold cernit washed in black ne-opaque paint to bring out the details, the face is molded from my own mold made from one of my original sculpts and is gold cernit washed in black ne-opaque for definition, and the angel also sports the hand sculpted fall harvest symbols with a one off scarecrow to chase away any fears that Debbi may find. It is made with gun metal 16 gauge artistic wire and the hand sculpted Cernit pieces are attached with 24 gauge artistic wire.
I too, adore a fun fall piece and this was a pleasure to make. I hope you like it Debbi.


  1. Marie, this angel is beautiful. I love all the details that go into your pieces. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Marie, wow, this Angel is awesome! Of course everything you make I love! I'd like to say Congrats to Debbi on her winning this gorgeous Fall Angel. I may visit her at her blog. I hope that you have a great rest of your evening Marie, I've been busy beading all day today so the time flew by, which for the way I feel is great! Giant hugs to you Sweetie and to Madi. Talk to you sometime tomorrow.
    Hugs and much love...

  3. OMG!!! There is sooooo much detail in this----you are amazing!!!
    As soon as I have the banners off the table, I have to get back to the paperclay and try a few things.
    I am inspired.....well, at least until things start going wrong! LOL!!!!
    Take care!♥♥♥


  4. Debbi is a lucky ducky - but she sounds like such a lovely person that I will be happy for her. :) How are you, Marie? I am thinking of you and sending you a big old Monday hug (those are often the biggest because we need the extra OOMPH for the week). xox Pam
    PS Give Madi a kiss on her nose from me.

  5. WOW this is amazin, well done debbi for winning it, i bet she will love it.

    I also wanted to say thank you for becoming a follower and leaving such lovely comments, yep that was degrees c. sooooo cold. weve had loads of snow this year, luckily now it seems spring is finally on the way, all the bulbs are shooting and the sun in shining :)

  6. I really enjoy all of your artwork and the heart felt love that goes into them. Bravo!

  7. The angel is just gorgeous - I am sure Debbi will treasure it always. And what a nice introduction to Debbi!!! Hope you are well - and I'll chat with you again soon. :) Theresa

  8. Oh Marie, I so love how much thought and symbolism you put into your art. They are all so different and yet equally lovely. But not as lovely as naked Santa. teehee! Lucky Debb. I know just how she feels. **blows kisses** Deb

  9. Hi Marie, I am very impressed with all the fine detail. I can see the love you have for your art. This is a very feeling piece.
    Debbie is very fortunate to be receiving this.


  10. congrats to Debbi... a lucky girl she is. As always I love the angel you come up with... they are also so personal and so beautiful

  11. I just came from Mother Moons site and she posted about you. You have a wonderful blog and your work is just too beautiful.


  12. Oh, Marie, you are just so precious! I absolutely LOVE my angel, and I feel so special for all of the detail and wonderful planning that has gone into this piece! I can't wait to wear it!!
    As much as I love my angel, I have enjoyed "getting to know you" through this process. You are not only an amazingly gifted person, you are a wonderfully sweet and caring person, too! SO glad to meet you!
    Lots of hugs!!
    Debbi :-)

  13. Oh Marie, I feel like eating the chocolates! Your sculptures look so edible. I am so hungry now but anything I eat wont taste as good as your pendants look good. Please say hello to dear Madi.

  14. Wow Marie - how extremely cool is this piece! But then again I am in love with all your pieces!

  15. Just stopping by to give you some love! Speaking of love, I LoVe the acorns on this piece.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  16. Marie - thanks for all the nice comments on my blog. always appreciated!
    And I also started day shift as a G.N. at my local hospital in the labor and delivery floor.
    did your daughter take the state boards yet???
    i haven't yet... scared to take them! haha
    let me know what she did/said about the boards.
    thanks for visiting!

  17. Hi Marie,, Your fall angel is beautiful. I wanted to stop by and see how you are doing? I hope the new spring will bring you much happiness and peace. I am looking forward to longer, warmer and prettier days.
    Have a pretty day:) ((())) gail

  18. Stopping by to give you a hug.
    ♫♫ The sound of our Angel getting her wings ♫♫
    All my love to you, Marie.

  19. Thank you so much Liz. I love sharing the pieces.
    I love making them, but it is so rewarding when someone else likes to look at them.

  20. Thank you so much Bobbi. You are so sweet.
    I kiss Madi all over her face for you. Someone hs to do it I guess.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Love and hugs.

  21. Oh Thank you Anne. I am so glad to hear your banners are progressing too.
    I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the paper clay. There is so much detail you can accomplish by adding paint.

  22. Thank you for the monday hugs, boy was that great timing. I did need them.
    I kissed Madi all over her face for you Pam. I figured I had to do it for Bobbi, might as well do it again ;-D.
    Love and huge hugs to you too.

  23. Thanks Faerielore, I hope she does. I shipped it out to her at the beginning of the week she should be getting it any day.
    Glad to hear spring is finally making its way to you, so very nice after a wet, snowy, and cold winter.
    Flowers seem so much brighter, don't they?
    ...Grass greener too.

  24. Thank you much Julzabro. And thanks for coming by!


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.