
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Damn you cancer, Damn you!!!

You have taken so many from my life and are about to do it again.
Damn you cancer, damn you.

I love you woman!!
"Everything is an illusion after all. It is vapor and dust and smoke and mirrors. However, the love one feels is always true."
Renee from circling her head


  1. Awe, Marie, I LOVE that picture of childlike and full of life. Those of us who Renee gathered together must now continue her legacy of love and acceptance, and we must pray that God rewards her with a good death. We are all part of the fold now, Together Strong.
    All my love to you, my friend.
    **kisskiss** Deb

  2. I am so sorry. I have a candle going. Prayers and hugs


  3. Marie,
    My heart aches for you and what you've been through lately. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Big Hugs to you and Howard! Take Care. Helen

  4. So sorry to read this post. I really do not know what to say except that I am sorry.
    I am waiting on news about my sweet daughter Chrisit..they found a lump in her breast last week and still we know nothing as whether or not it is cancer....I had breast cancer years ago so naturally I am worried but can only pray that it is not.
    I to will pray for you

  5. Marie - I know. Damn cancer. I am so sad. My heart is just broken. I love Renee so much, we all do. So we have to give each other big hugs now. Here is mine to you. xoxoxox Much love, Pam

  6. Marie I am so sorry. Hugs to you and Howard..nothing else says it better than Damn you cancer.
    love you.

  7. Oh Marie. I am so sorry for this part in your journey. Feeling helpless is so frustrating.
    The picture of Renee is just amazing.

    (The word verification I had to put in was "blesive". Sending blessings to you.)

  8. So sorry to hear of this. Many candles will be lit and energies will be sent to Renee and her family in the coming days.


  9. Marie I know ... I want to say in Renee's fashion...


    I am breaking... not only in my heart but my whole body...

    I'm going to try and get inflammatory breast cancer more in the know... so many women don't know about this.

    I know so many others hearts are being torn open right now, this minute.

    Renee is in my heart~
    I love you Marie...

  10. Thanks for your LOVE comment- back at you! And Renee- DAMN! Our Beauty Girl- Damn! know...I love you, too.

  11. Damn cancer, indeed. I love Renee too. :(

  12. What Deborah said: we are all part of the fold.

    Together strong Marie

    this is a wonderful tribute to our dear friend.
    Who is a senior angel in our lives

    Marie xoxox

  13. Sending blessings your way.

  14. Yeah. I agree totally except I will throw a 'fuck it' in there too, in honour of Renee. xxx

  15. Sometimes I know everything
    Sometimes I know nothing.
    I don't understand
    I don't want to.
    I love you.

  16. I am so sorry... this is a recent loss of mine as well, my husband's cousin... here is to hoping that we win more often than the cancer. My prayers are with you.
    hugs, antonella :-)

  17. Oh, I love that quote from Renee's blog - so true! She is love personified!! As are you! Love, Silke

  18. Oh Marie!!! you are such a wonderful friend and she sure loves you!!!

    May we all stick together and get through this with Renee...she is so strong and has always been a huge inspiration to me...


  19. Hi Marie dearest,

    Maybe we can make this year's 2010 Mental Ninja Awards just as fun. Be there!

  20. So true. We will never lose the felling Renee gave to us, this is eternal!

    Huge Hug!


  21. Hello sweetheart. How are you tonight? I am just making my rounds and saying hello to my sisterfriends. Tsup!

  22. so sorry you have lost a dear friend, my best mate is ATM going through treatment for this S*** awful disease, I can only hope and pray he improves x

  23. Me too Deb. Look at the mischief in that angels face, that is sooooo Renee.
    I want so much for her to go in peace with no more pain, she has already had enough. And if not GIVE HER BACK to us!
    Together strong in our circle of love!
    All my love to you Deb!
    Happy Birthday tomorrow Sweet one!

  24. Thank you so much for the candle, prayers, and hugs Nicole.
    You are the best!

  25. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you so much sweet sweet Helen. Your words are comfort to me, bless you!

  26. Thank you so much Maggie for your prayers. I will pray for Christi and you too.
    May it all be easy to take care of for both of you!
    Love to your baby girl!

  27. Thank you so much for the hugs Pam.
    Here is mine back to you!!!
    Damn, damn cancer!

  28. Thank you so so much Shelly!!
    Love you sweetie.
    I will tell Howard.

  29. Thank you so much Theresa. It is very frustrating.
    I love that picture of Renee too. Such a sweet sweet smile. God I love her and miss her so much.
    Thank you so much for the blessings and some coming back to you!

  30. Thank you so much LJ for lighting candles and sending energies to Renee and her family.
    Blessings all over you.

  31. Thank you so much Barbara/Mythmaker for the hugs and prayers.
    Blessings all over you.

  32. I am so sorry Pattee, I know how much your heart is breaking. Some things seem so very unfair and this is one of them.
    Remember that I love you.

  33. Amen Cindy, amen. Damn, damn cancer.

  34. There will never be enough damns Bella.
    I love you too!!!

  35. That is right Linda Sue our Beauty Girl! Damn.

  36. I don't think I have ever met anyone that didn't love Renee, Bridgett.
    She was and is the light in many people's lives.
    And in mine!

  37. We are so lucky to have had her as a friend kj, but I am still pissed off about this outcome.
    Damn cancer anyway!

  38. Thank you so very very much Caroline!!

  39. I am so sorry for your losses too Michelle and yes a "fuck" for Renee. Definitely!

  40. Thank you so much Antonella. I am so sorry for your and your husbands hurting hearts.
    This is a mean mean disease cancer, damn it.

  41. I don't know either Ces and I don't want to.
    I am so tired of all the painful dying. There is no need for so much pain.

  42. Oh thank you Silke. She told me this one night when I was in a dark place.
    She is truly a gift to this world.
    And so are you.
    Love and hugs.

  43. She is amazing Diana. We all felt so special with Renee around. Each one of us was someone to her and I miss that.
    I am inspired by her ways and the grace with which she moved through life.

  44. I hope so Ces! Let me know I will be there.

  45. I guess I am so sad because I am afraid I will forget the feeling Julie. I sure hope I can keep it going.
    Huge hugs to you too!

  46. I am praying, hoping, and wishing with you Nicks.
    Thanks so much for stopping by.
    This is such a sucky disease.
    Hugs and love to you.

  47. Oh my, I wondered when i saw the candles....Such a loving woman Renee must be....I have not had the pleasure of knowing, i am sorry.. my thoughts and prayers are with all of you..
    I'll see if i can get a candle going...i would be honored...

  48. Oh Marie...I feel the same way. although I have never met Renee in person, the possibility was there and we talked about it. We are only about 250 miles apart.
    I'm sad and a little mad that I didn't push for the wonderful idea to become a reality. Life is so short and there isn't always a 'tomorrow'

    If I won the lottery, I'd host a retreat for us all to get together (all expenses paid) just so we could laugh and play and meet our blog sisters!!

  49. Gypsy, you know Renee, you and her have something in common.
    I love that you are holding a candle for her, thank you so much.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Love and hugs.

  50. Oh my dear Darla, I hope you win the lottery!!!
    Love and hugs sweetie.


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