
Friday, February 26, 2010

the best of times- OWOH... the worst of times

I won this in the OWOH blog social from Debra at the midlife poet. You can visit Deb's blog at the link below.
I have had a very hard month.
But... in a bi-polar kind of way,
I have also had a wonderful month. I will highlight the good now.
I need to go to the good place.
One World One Heart (OWOH) blogger party.

Mom and Dad's 54th wedding anniversary.

My hubby's 60th birthday, the 14th.

My oldest daughters 29th birthday, the 16th.

I won this when Donna at So dark So cute had a giveaway for her birthday, her link is below.
Donna's birthday at so dark so cute

This also came from Deb,it truly looks good enough to eat. Click on pick for larger view. 
Deb's birthday at Midlife Poet
This is how it all came, I love the M.E. box, she is one of my favorites. If you stop by Deb's blog, tell her Happy Birthday.
OWOH has help so much to slide through some of the negative things of the month of February. It was giant blog party hosted by Lisa Swifka of A Whimsical Bohemian
I have more to share so stay tuned.


  1. Marie - it has been such a hard time. So much pain. Here is one of my bright spots: Marie! She has become a friend, and lord knows we all need more of those in this life. Hugs to you, and I want that tea cup. LOL!! xox Pam

  2. Hi Marie,

    I hope my note finds you feeling happy! :) Your new tea cup is so sweet. It would be perfect for Beverly's Pink Saturday. Do you know about that? Just visit my blog and then follow the link to Beverly's blog.


  3. Oh, sweetie, I am sorry you had such a hard month! But I love that it also was sprinkled with happy moments and pretty things. Sending much love, dear friend! Silke

  4. Hi Marie, So fantastic to see you again! I'm tickled to be back! Thank you Sweetie for helping me and being always here for me and for always being so understanding!
    I know that you've had a very hard time this month, I'm so sorry my dear friend. I only wish there was something that I could say or do to help you, to be there for you, to make things right.
    Oh my goodness all the beautiful pictures of Madi! Oh how she's grown and how pretty she is! I just want to give her a great big hug!
    I have to tell you that I still haven't started making those gorgeous ornaments that you sent me for Christmas. I have full intentions of making them though! Oh, I keep all of them right here next to my desk so I can always see them! They're so beautiful!
    Your Tea Cup is very pretty also! It's always so nice to win something, especially as pretty as that!
    Well, I hope that you have a good rest of your day! I'm still up because I just couldn't sleep, my chest is still hurting pretty bad. Don't worry though, I'm hanging in there. Maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow.
    Giant hugs and love to you...

  5. Hey Marie,

    If it wasn't for everything else going on now IRW, I would plan on coming and spiriting away the tea cup! (nefarious heehee!)
    Of course, since I live in the Arse of Podunk and am in no shape to travel, your cup is completely SAFE!!! LOL!!! :D
    May it soon be running over with goodness and sunshine and a bit more happiness.


  6. I'm so sorry about the hardships you've been having... My heart goes out to you ~

    I'm so glad you won those wonderful gifts!

    I have something that will be coming your way soon..... : )

  7. Just sending a big hug!! Love, Silke

  8. You are so right about this being a difficult time. I today posted on my blog the same thing. The good and the bad. Thank goodness for Lisa and OWOH


  9. (((Marie))) Wishing that March is a month for you filled with the gentle colours of rainbows.....and lovely tea sipped from a gorgeous tea cup.

  10. Hi my friend, Marie,,,thank you so much for visiting my blog today. I always love visiting your blog and your friends blogs as well. I am sorry for the sad times for you now. I hope the spring will help:) I appreciate your kind words too.

    I think what I am struggling with is friends have been great to help, wonderful and I have not asked, but there always seemed to be those imaginary strings attached. I have never been one to want help and I am reevaluatiing doing so, because when i dont handle things in my life they way the see fit, they feel its ok to steer me into their way of thinking. :) The problem is I seldom do things the way most people do. lol
    Please stay in touch, I hope you have a beautiful weekend. Thank you,
    ((())) gail

  11. Sorry you've had a hard time, Marie!! I'm hoping that the days will become much brighter!! Sending you hugs!!

  12. So much pain. In such a short period of time.
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww Pam you made my day, week, and month. I don't think it is possible to have too many friends.
    Thank you so much!
    Together stong and we can change this crazy world with love and friendship!
    Three cheers.
    Love to you my friend.

  13. I did visit the blog Birgit. I am feeling better thank you. I will go back and look again.
    Hugs to you Birgit.

  14. I am so grateful for the happy moments and pretty things Silke. It made it easier to handle.
    Sending love and hugs to you.

  15. Hey there Bobbi! I am so glad to see you back and posting.
    I am there for you and you are there for me, what are friends for?
    I will love to see the ornaments when they are done.
    Madi is a special little girl and wuite a cuddle bug. She is so bright and full of life. I am so proud of her.
    Hugs to you sweetie and remember you told me your are hanging in there.

  16. Anne don't you just love that little cup? Deborah has such great taste.
    Is the arse of podunk near bf egypt?

  17. Thank you so much Pattee.
    It has been hard for us all, I think.
    I am so glad I won those gifts too, it was a very bright spot for me and OWOH was so much fun.
    I love surprises Pattee. I am so excited.
    Love you, my friend.

  18. It seems to be hard times for everyone Nicole and we have each other to help see us through. We are so lucky.
    Love and hugs.

  19. Thank you so much Melobeau. Rainbows and lovely tea sounds like a wonderful idea.
    Thank you for stopping by.

  20. Thank you Gail, I hope the spring helps us both.
    I am sorry. It has been so hard for me to accept help too. I am so grateful for it though.
    But it is still so hard to accept.
    When Howard got sick, we had to have help and it has taken me a while to get used to the idea of taking the help from people.
    I still have moments of guilt and beat myself up for not being able to do this on my own. But I am trying to see that I am so so lucky to have people to help me.
    I don't do anything like anyone else either and the people that I thought never got me are the ones that are helping me and encouraging me to keep going forward. I also am the one that placed the strings there.

    I am learning something.
    Hugs to you Gail.
    Love you.

  21. Thanks for the hugs Manon.
    I hope the days get brighter for all of us.
    Have a wonderful sunday.
    Love and hugs.

  22. So lovely to visit your website and see all your beautiful jewelry.
    You make such beautiful flowers. So nice you could wear them for special occassions. Dreamy!

    Sending you loads of love!



  23. Marie - just stopping by to deliver a hug and a warm cup of tea. :) I hope you have a lovely Sunday, and next time you see Madi, give her a big hug from me! :) xo Pam

  24. Hi Marie! I'm so happy you received my little gift savely! :-)
    It's springtime come up and give us much joy with their colors and sences...the sun warms our hearts and make us smile again...little birds flying around to fed their young ones...
    Big hugs from me x Donna

  25. Beautiful Sister Marie. *sigh* Thank God for the small blessings that help us through the bad. I'm glad there have been moments this month that have brought you respite from the sorrow.

    Aaah, yes, those were good times. You were always one of us, are you kidding? That was fun, and one day, we shall run around in mad circles again. We will, you'll see. Until then, enjoy sipping from your beautiful teacup while Mr. Bones there keeps your heart monsters company. Enjoy the sun that's shining today.


  26. Thank you so much Julie-ann. I am so glad you came over.
    I love making the flowers and all of the colors. I probably have enough to last me the rest of my life too!! LOL! I do like to make them.
    Loads of love to you too!

  27. I received the Skellie just fine Donna. I love him he is probably going to ride in my car with me to protect me from crazy califonia drivers.
    And so I can look up and see him when I am in traffic and have something to smile about.
    Thank you so much for sending him and having the giveaway for your birthday. He is a wonderful bright spot in my life right now. Love and huge hugs Donna!

  28. Oh Mary, how sweet of you to say! And how awesome that he's going to protect you in your car :-) You really made my day you know...
    I'm not feeling happy lately and all that keeps my head up are the few really nice people(the ones who mean what they say and truly appreciate my creations) on blogspot and deviantart. One of them is you! I'm happy to know you Mary and also veeery happy that you won my skelly. I kinda hoped that you win and you did,hehe!

  29. Thank you Bella for the comfort you bring my heart!
    I miss our Renee. I love her. I don't want her to suffer though.

    I would love to run around crazy again.
    In Renee's honor we will do that.
    Thank you for coming over, you made my day Bella.
    I love you my dear!
    Be well and I will see you soon.

  30. I am sorry Donna, it must be a world wide thing then. It seems so many are not feeling well lately. I am so glad I can help make you feel a litle better.
    I enjoy you and your work and I am thrilled to have something you have made. I will treasure my skullie always.
    Please hang in there and come and talk to me when you need or want to, I love it.
    Big hugs and tons of love Donna.
    ♥ Marie

  31. Thanks for the cuppa Pam and the hugs.
    I had a relaxing sunday and I gave Madi a huge hug for you!!

  32. I am so sorry I missed this. I hope you are feeling better.

  33. Hi Marie thank you for visiting my blog when you have so many people to keep up with. I really feel honoured by that.
    So sorry you have not been well, but now you are on the way to Spring Im sure that will lift your spirits.
    Yes I am lucky to be able to do what I want re the poly clay, but I will get to those quirky figures one day.
    Thank you for the little heart with your name, it brings me so much closer to you.You help me a lot too you know just being there and knowing you XXX
    I have your business card in my kitchen right in front of me and think of you always. Big hugs , Smile lady, you can.

  34. Ces I have good days and then I have some not so good ones. It is just too much for me all at once.
    But life is like that, yes it is.
    Just had a melt down the other day
    Climbing my way out, I have no control of anything and it is what is. Time to get over it.
    Thank you so much for coming by. I know you are very busy.
    Thank you and I love you bunches.

  35. Good for you for staying positive, Marie!

    Big hugs to you.



I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.