
Sunday, February 14, 2010

11th giveaway- One World One Heart

This post will remain at the top of the blog until Feb 14, 2010. Please Scroll down for more postings.
Good-bye MOM! We all love you, see everything you can see on your magic carpet ride, magical journeys await you now. When we meet again I want to hear all about them. You are always in our hearts, now and forever.xoxox
*update 02/02/10* I have decided to draw two people with the random number generator on the 14th,  and depending on how many more people I get, I may even add another.
*update 02/04/10* I am going to add another (3rd) giveaway at 150 comments, if I reach that.
Thank you all so much for your kindness and heartfelt words, they have helped me lift up and out of what is a sad, sad time for myself and my family. Blessings all over all of you...and thank you.
*02/07/10* I am having so much fun and the people I have met, are amazing and so wonderful. I am not getting anything done and my house looks like a tornado ran through and I could care less, my magic carpet is zooming through blog land as fast as it can. I am getting close to 200 responses and if that hapens I will add another goddess to the giveaway. That will make 4 in the giveaway. I hope you will understand that these are something that I do not rush through and I weave my love in to each turn of the wire and each image I make out of the clay, if you can bare to wait till it is finished, add your name to the list. 
Thank you for this magical mystical tour, it is making my heart so light, I needed that. That Lisa is a brilliant woman, thank ou so much Lisa for your precious time.
Again...good luck and blessings all over you all.
*02/11/10* Thank you so so much for all you have said sent and conveyed to me over these wonderful days of OWOH. I am in awe of the compassion and grace that abound in blog land. I am adding a 5th goddess to the draw. My light has been re-kindled. May the blessings abound for you all. It is so very very nice to meet you all.

If you click on the picture it will take you there by a "magic carpet" which is the theme this year.
And to all of the other blogs involved in this world wide love fest. The blogs will be on the right hand side at Whimsical Bohemian.

Welcome to all, from One World One Heart which will now be known as OWOH.
I am so glad you have stumbled upon my little place on the web. Welcome!
To my regular pretties -you get to play too.
I am a little late at jumping on this glorious bandwagon, but I wanted to get the 10th giveaway under my belt, family matters, and I just found out this last week. On something so marvelous where people meet and talk from all over the world, better late than never I say!
To the right you can see Madi's is getting in the spirit and wrapped herself in the magic carpet. She is always ready for a new adventure.

Lisa Swifka at a Whimsical Bohemian
started this in 2007 with a few blogs and it has grown beyond belief to over 900 blogs this year and last. Please join in there is still time. Feb.08, 10 is the deadline.
I am honored to be a part of this and I do it in honor of my mother in law Rosalie who is dying.
Rosalie has been a friend and a beautiful influence in my life for many many years and what Lisa is doing would be something she would love. Rosalie was also a kindred spirit and could needle point, embroider, crochet, sew, and knit with the best of them, she owned and worked a "Jewel Art" in the 60's. She is also the one that told me " your work should look as good on the back as it does on the front" and "I weave and blend love in to each one of my pieces".
Have a great ride on the magic carpet MOM!! I will miss you so much. I love you and thank you! Ching-ching La'chaim

In Lisa words:

I created this event in 2007. The original idea behind this giveaway event was to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet. It closes the gap of the blog community and enables us to interact, discover new and wonderful people, and in the process possibly win a prize or many prizes along the way. 2007 had roughly 85-90 participants and many connections were made because of it......friendships that are still going strong.

We had a strong showing the first year for sure, and then in 2008 we had just about tripled that number. In 2009 there were 911 participants, to say I was amazed is an understatement. 28 countries were represented in the 2009 event as well.

This is more than wanting to win something.......that is only the the end it's about finding kindred spirits. Someone who may be fairly new to blogging, not sure how to navigate, find others and have others find them....Some are long time bloggers and in some cases well known in the blogging community. Whatever the case it brings all of them together. This is an INTERNATIONAL event that has and had participants from the US, Canada, France, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Malaysia, Brazil, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, Ireland, England,Wales, Slovenia and more. It transcends geographical location, socio economics, political affiliation, religious's a coming together like the giant community we are on this planet. If only it took a simple giveaway to create PEACE everywhere, in the mean time here we give from our hearts. We are not solving the worlds problems nor are we curing anything nor are we changing the world. We are merely generating a closer community between humans through blogging. What more could I ask for, my little idea has surpassed my wildest dreams of what it could become.
For my giveaway:
I will be making one of my goddess brooches for the winner.
You can refer back to my 10th giveaway here:
You will be able to have her made to you specifications, She will also be resting in a magic carpet base.
Depending on the amount of entries I may do this again and pick another winner.

The rules, as there must be some once in a while
1. You must have a blog or email so I can get back to you.
I will pick another name if I can not get in touch with you.

2. Leave a comment on this post only.

3. One comment only.

The winner will be drawn on the 14th of February 2010 at 12 noon MIDNIGHT pst (pacific standard time), I will announce the winner (or winners?) on the 15th of February

Thank you for riding the magic carpet with me. Have fun and good luck on your travels.
Comeback again sometime, it was so nice to meet you


  1. Great giveaway! Please enter my name! Pop over to my blog (#92 on the magic carpet) for a chance to win, too! :)

  2. I´m sure your mother in law must be very proud of you! One of my best friends is my mother in law as well :)
    Susan, nr 821

  3. What a sweet tribute. WE should all live in a manner that we will be so loved when we move on. Your work is amazing, I enjoyed visiting!


  4. Dear Marie, it's a pleasure to meet you. Your brooches are so fantastically lovely! What a beautiful offering! I warmly invite you to come visit me on your magic carpet ride journey:

    Theresa #263

  5. please enter me even if I'm only the second! Come and visit me at #3

  6. Oh, yes, yes! Pick me!! :) What a generous giveaway, Marie! I love your goddesses!! You are one of them! Love, Silke

  7. First of all I'm so sorry about your mother in law.... I loved mine more than my own mom... I know sad but true. She never questioned my parenting, helped me be a better cook, thrift store shopping sprees and I still miss here more today than yesterday.

    Secondly add me to your giveaway!!! Please! And did you add yourself to mine?


  8. I've never seen anything quite like your creations--they are fascinating.
    Thank you for sharing them.

  9. I love your art!

  10. Nice to meet you and visit your blog! Love this giveaway! I am having so much fun looking at all the wonderful blogs. I don't have a blog, due to arthritis I cannot type much at all but I enjoy surfing the net. Thank you for a chance to win.

  11. Oh love your goddesses! Please enter me in your drawing.

  12. Oh Marie, first I am so very sorry about your mother-in-law. We just lost hubby's Mom last August and it is hard having the family get smaller...lots of memories. Can Madi get any cuter???NOOOO. What a doll. Don't enter me in this cuz I already WON SANTA!!! Can't get too spoiled. Prayers for a safe and quick passing for your MIL.
    **kisskiss** Deb

  13. How special of you to do this for Rosalie and how lucky you are to have such a wonderful relationship with her. I believe the brooch you create will be filled with the love you two have for one another forever and I am honored to have the chance to win it! Thank you!

  14. how talented you are. my blog is

  15. What lovely, original artwork. Always such a pleasure to see something new & unique out there. I love that you call your pieces "goddesses". Thanks for the chance to win. Visit me at (#874) whenever you get a chance.

  16. Great giveaway. Love it. Please count me in. Feel free to visit me at # 153 on the magic carpet.
    Enjoy the ride.

  17. Your brooches are so unique and fun I would be delighted to win Thanks so much and please stop by #904 on the Magic Carpet ride

  18. Hi very Cool. Love your giveaway. Please count me in and fly over to see me too.

  19. Love your doll brooches. Please include me and thanks for stopping by and entering my drawing, too!

  20. Wow, wow and wow! Your brooches are wonderful! Unique, creative and original! Hard to find something so different these days! Thanks for the chance to win! (#652)

  21. A wonderful giveaway - please count me in x Trace x

  22. What a great giveaway ~~ I LoVe It!! Please count me in your drawing

  23. Oh wow, it's a wonderful giveaway. Please count me in. Thanks.

  24. Your work is so fun. Please include me in your drawing.

  25. Marie,
    Wow!! Those brooches are amazing!! I was so happy to see the pirate!! LOL

    Thank you for sharing your ART with us!! :::Smiles:::
    Shelly OWOH #435

  26. Oh, my goodness, your work is incredible! Thank you for offering to share one with us. I think it is amazing that you would honor your MIL in such a way.

    Please stop by if you get a moment (#607)

  27. What adorable little goodies you have! I thoroughly enjoyed my visit, and hope you'll stop by my blog as well.

  28. Beautiful pieces of art.

    Greetings from France

  29. I love love love those dolls, they are really something special.

  30. I just love your goddess pendants! Please throw my name into the hat!

  31. Your work is amazing. With lots of thought for every details and so many of them. Thank you for the chance of winning.

  32. I love the idea behind OWOH and that you are dedicating it to your mother in law. I wish everyone could have such wonderful relations to their families. :)

  33. I'm a brand new follower but will hope to win your giveaway. Is it the baby you are giving away? Just kidding of course;-) A brooch will be quieter, if not quite as cute as that little one.

  34. nHi! I just came across our old emails from an Escondido ATC trade we did in August and followed the link to your blog. I'm glad I did so I can be entered in your drawing! I would love one of your goddesses.

  35. Hi! I just came across emails we exchanged after we traded ATC's in Escondido in August and clicked on the link to your blog.
    I'm glad I did and I'd like to enter your drawing. I would love a goddess from you!

  36. Lovely,lovely...I’d love the chance to win your beautiful offering! I really enjoy blog hopping and seeing all the talent.. This is just so much fun!!

  37. Greetings & Salutations,
    Enchanting Goddess Brooch OWOH Giveaway!
    Really Spooktacular...
    Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    P.S. Wonderful Blog...

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

  38. These Goddess Brooches are amazing! You can see so much personality in each of them! How very neat! This is a great post! Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  39. Wow, Marie, you're at it again. Please enter my name. I didn't get in on the OWOH list this year, but I'm planning to do it next year. I'd love a chance to own one of your goddess brooches. Thank you, again for your generosity and beautiful spirit. Hugs and smiles,

  40. Your brooches are beautiful. So are your other pieces of work. And married to an artist too, how wonderful. I am envious that you have such a good relationship with your mother-in-law. I have always wished for that but it was not meant to be. I did have a wonderful mother for 34 precious years and she is never far from my heart. I know your mother-in-law must feel very blessed to have you for a daughter.

  41. so wonderful godesses...could use one to comfort me in my life at the moment...count me in for the draw pls....hugs

  42. I'd love the chance to win one of your spirit dolls. Please include me.#437

  43. I love your art! Please enter me in the giveaway. Stop by my blog when you get a chance.
    OHOW #897

  44. What a wonderful, loving tribute to your mother-in-law. She certainly gave you great advice!
    Your giveaway is definitely one of a kind. I would be honoured to be entered in your draw.
    God bless.

  45. So fun to have something custom! I love your darling creations! Thanks for sharing your art and your blog!

    Stop by my little corner of the world and say hi and enter!

    Washington State

  46. the brooches are so unique and beautiful and Rosalie sounds unique and beautiful too! She is inspiring.......thanks for entering my drawing too!!! Melinda

  47. Thanks for visiting me, Marie! I'd love to be entered into your drawing! peggyswfl at yahoo dot com.

  48. Ohhhh a Goddess.....thanks for the chance.

    Kelly #636

  49. Your brooches are lovely, and so is the wisdom from your mother-in-law! Thank you for sharing!

  50. Hi Maria, I am so sorry to hear of your MIL Rosalie. I will say a prayer for her. You story brought make memories of my Grandmother who used to tell me the same thing. Should look good on the back too. Please enter me in your fabulous give away! And stop by #657 and say hello.


  51. Hello, there! What a fantastic giveaway! Please enter me in your drawing and be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win, too. #56 :)

    P.S. I'm sure your mother-in-law would be honored to be remembered in such a lovely way.

  52. Wonderful drawing. Please enter me and stop by mine when you can:) Blessings Jenna Louise

  53. HI Marie,
    What a touching post for your MIL. She sounds like a treasure. Please put my name in your fabulous drawing. I hope you visit my musical giveaway at # 585

  54. My girlfriend would LOVE one of those. SO unique!

    Great blog, awesome giveaway! I'm #252 on OWOH, I'm giving away home made soaps and a custom tutu. Please check mine out when you get the chance! Thanks. :)

  55. What a fabulous giveaway. Please enter my name, thank you.

  56. Your brooches are wonderful!
    Thanks so much for entering my giveaway! #390

  57. What a great giveaway! Thanks for making my carpet ride an awesome experience!

    Arya -

  58. I'm so sorry to hear of you losing someone so special.I'm sure she is proud of you! Thanks for taking the time to be in OWOH and I'm sure she would if she could. Please enter me and if you have a chance come on by mine #86
    hugs Lynn

  59. How lovely...
    I will be back.
    Thanks for stopping at my blog on your magic carpet ride.


  60. I am hoping your MIL is as comfortable and happy as possible. It sounds like you've been very lucky to have had her in your life.

    I LOVE your goddesses.

    Kindest wishes to you and yours.

  61. WOW your goddess brooches are fabulous, please toss my name into the hat. I'd love to be a proud owner!!!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and your lovely comment. My thoughts and prayers to you and your mil. ♥

    Mary-Beth in Windsor, ON
    acelticangel at yahoo dot ca

  62. What a cute header you have here...cute, cute, baby!
    Very cool Goddesses you make...I love them....And would love to see what one of your wonderful creations would look like based on knowing a bit about...
    I'm very sorry about you mom-in-law...Death, it's a hard thing. I just lost tow grandbabies...they came to early and only stayed for a brief time...but we got to know and love...the death of someone we are close to changes our can profoundly open them or close them...hug, hug
    Thanks for coming by...

  63. Beautiful work - I'm amazed at the wonderful items on all the sites. This is my first time I've taken part and am having a blast.

    Please include me in your contest

    #834 & #835

  64. Hi Marie...thanks for stopping by. Your blog is wonderful! Your brooch art unique and beautifully created. Love, love jewelry and make a lot but your pins are excellent. So glad I came over. I joined your followers list so I will return. I invite you to join me on my followers list as well. I would love to get to know you. Hugs, Gayle (in Canada)

  65. WOW, beautiful give away!!!
    please, count me in ^_^

    greetings from Barcelona

  66. What a great giveaway - they are lovely.

    Dee (#905)

  67. Its so nice to see such an arty piece. Love your work. Thanks for stopping by my blog. God bless. Cathy #446

  68. Oh, what a beautiful event to take part in, Marie! Many blessings to you this Imbolc for your wonderful, generous, loving spirit.

  69. WOW!!! Your art brooches are so cool. Beautiful blog and your banner is darling. Would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  70. your goddess brooches are wonderful and full of Love!!! Thanks for popping by so we could connect!

    Heart Hugs,
    Coleen (from Oregon #447)

  71. What interesting work you do! I would be thrilled to win a brooch made to my specifications! I think that's awesome! Hello from the Philippines!
    patsy.paterno (at)

  72. holy smokes Marie, just keep giving and giving....what a wonderful way to share your amazing gift of art....

    count me in!!!


  73. Your post about you mother-in-law really touched my heart! She is blessed to have you!
    I hope you will visit me.
    We are #716 on the list


  74. Hi Marie,
    Your brooches are awesome! I would love to win!! Please count me in and thanks for stopping by Wigglebutt. ☺

  75. Awesome work! Thanks for offering this great giveaway and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  76. I am sorry about your mother-in-law! She must have been an awesome woman. Mine died a few months ago.
    Of course I'd love to win one of your lovely creations :-) Your brooches are gorgeous! So please include me in your drawing!
    Have fun riding that Magic Carpet!

    Greetings from Germany,
    Dagmar (#160 on the carpet)

  77. Thanks so much for visiting me. What beautiful sentiment and thought in your post. My mum in law is a wonderful lady too and I do feel for you and your family. I would be delighted to be included in your draw. Jules#469

  78. They are just the cutest! Would be so much fun to wear! Please enter my name and visit me soon! ♥

  79. Great giveaway! Please count me in and let the magic happen!
    Thanks for visiting my blog(#449)

  80. Great giveaway - please enter my name

  81. Your brooches are all wonderful & I'd love a chance to win one!

    Hope you can stop by my blog & enter my giveaway, too! #344

  82. *•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-*

    How Marvelous!

    Please count me in!


    Gina Luna

    *•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-**•: -:¦:-*

  83. Very cute kid!
    I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


  84. What a wonderful way to remember your mother-- I'm sure she must be proud to see you carrying on the crafts she taught you. And your goddess brooches are wonderful! Glad you joined the Ride!
    OWOH Ticket Holder #21

  85. Wow! I'm gone a few days and all of this is going on...busy, busy. Marie, I am so sorry about your dear mother-in-law. That many years they are more like mothers and it does break the heart. So sorry! Thanks for coming by my blog while I was away. Had a great time...glad to be home though! Love and hugs, Lynda

  86. these look like fun! I love the one you did for your 10th giveaway! please count me in!

  87. Hi Marie, thanks so much for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. I am truly sorry to hear about your mother-in-law.

    I love your skull pirate pendant and the angel one you just gave away, they're both fabulous. I would love to be entered in to this wonderful giveaway. I'm also a new follower! This is my first year to participate and it's been so much fun.

    Happy travels,

    Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

    Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

  88. I teared up when I read your post, as my dear Mom-in-law died of cancer this past year. She is sorely missed. I am so sorry for you to bear this pain, and know that your mother in law would love what you are doing.
    Thank you so much for the chance to win one of your amazing pieces of art.

  89. Hello from Utah! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! Please include me in your great giveaway!
    Have a great day!

  90. Your goddess brooches are beautiful. I'm sorry to hear about your MIL, but she will always remain forever in heart. Thanks for the chance to win. I have a giveaway too stop by if you have the time,

    Magic Carpet #460
    Southern Illinois
    prpldy@comcast dot net

  91. asww great brooches, please enter me too. thanks for viisting me too, this has been so nice getting to meet new people and see new wonderful art..... jenxo

  92. Your broaches are lovely, please enter my name in your draw. Thanks

  93. Such beautiful pieces!~~~XXOO, Beth

  94. I truly love these brooches you make. You really make such wonderful art, and I like how you said you don't limit yourself to one medium. I'll definitely be back once the magic carpet slows a bit. My OWOH giveaway is #79.

  95. Marie..Thank you for coming by my blog. We have some mutual friends in common I have noticed. I love the Goddess symbol. Please enter me, and cheers to a new friendship.


  96. Hello,

    Your Mom sounds like a wonderful woman herself. She will probably like the idea of this event and what it is all about :-)

    AS to your brooch, they are very different and unique. A statement piece :-)

    (I'm participating too. Here's my post link: OWOH 2010: A Little Friend For You Too )

  97. OMG! You are cracking me up with your comment on internet and depression. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    What giveaway? Are you giving my Madi away? No way! Mean grandma! Keep madi smiling. She is so cute. Hi Madi! TSUP! TSUP!!!

  98. What a beautiful reason for entering. My mother-in-law was like a second mother to me as well. I wish her, and you, peace.

  99. Thanks for stopping by my blog. This is a wonderful giveaway!

    Kathy V in NM
    Artful Muse (#513 OWOH)

  100. Wow I love your blog! I'm so interested in work with the polymer clay, I love your pieces they are so interesting and unique, I would love to win your giveaway please include me. I'm sorry to hear about your mother in law but I think this is a lovely tribute to her. Thank you for your lovely visit to my blog too! Take care

  101. very cool! Count me in :)
    Thanks for stopping by mine earlier. Hope to see you around again :)

  102. Me Me Me...Pick MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

    Big Hugs and Much Love

  103. be strong for your mother in law. you will survive this. will be praying for you. loved your creations!

    Please enter me in your drawing and enter mine if you haven't. I am on #955 at the magic carpet!

  104. I am so glad I found you, I love your blog, I am a lover of polymer clay, I love paper clay too. I love your blog, I can tell I will bw spending some time here.
    I am going to Cabin Fever Festival in two weeks, a conference all about polymer clay. I live in Minnesota, so I know Maureen Carlson, you should come and teach a class at her Retreat!
    I am one of those you spoke of- w struggling on how blogger works, so frustrating for those of us who didn't grow in the tech age.

  105. A lovely idea. Our very own goddess.
    Lovely tribute to the woman who influenced you so much.

  106. OMG--all these kind comments!

    i just want to offer my prayers and condolences for your MIL. she sounds like a super wonderful person and it sounds like she'll be creating all kinds of art in her new home.

    i love seeing so many artists share like this. lisa deserves all the credit in the www (wacky wonderful webworld)

    take care, marie,

  107. Thanks for entering my giveaway and directing me to yours! (OWOH #554) It is such a great, magical ride!

    Lovely work...I would be honored to win your work! Count me in!


  108. Hi Marie, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the booch. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gifts. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


  109. Hi,
    I have so enjoyed meeting you and seeing your blog.Thanks for entering my name for a chance to win your fantastic prize...
    Hope on the Magic Carpet and come over to my blog for a chance to win my beaded bracelet. I am #362 on the list.
    This is such a fun time....
    Thanks again

  110. Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

  111. I am posting this for Julie G. I deleted her post on accident.
    Sorry Julie.

    Julie G. said...
    Ha, found you. Please enter me for a change to win, #541!

    February 3, 2010 7:14 PM

  112. What a sweet tribute to your mother-in-law. I love your art. Please count me in. Thanks for stopping by my blog.


  113. What a wonderful giveaway, how fun to inspire my own goddess :-) please enter me for a chance to win and stop by #234 on the magic carpet when you get a chance.
    Hugs, Antonella :-)

  114. What a wonderful giveaway! Please enter me in it. Give your mother in law a big hug from me. I'm sorry about what is going on, but you are lucky to have had her. That's a lovely tribute to her!
    Thank you and have a lovely day!

    marilavado (at)

  115. Oh, Marie - I came by to say hi, and I read about your Mom-in-law. I am so sorry, my friend. Big hugs to you and your husband. xoxoxo Pam

  116. A great giveaway and an awesome tribute.

  117. I love your little clay creations. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Suzanne in Florida
    OWOH #908

  118. Hi Marie, so sorry for your loss.

    Thank you for entering my giveaway, please add me to yours.

  119. Hi Marie, It is so lovely to find you and your artwork in blogland. your goddess brooches are absolutely fascinating and I would be honoured to have the opportunity to win one. I was so touched by your loving tribute to your mother-in-law. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  120. What a sweet tribute to your mother-inlaw. Your work would make her proud. Sharon

  121. Hi Marie,

    Thanks for the another chance to win a piece of your amazing artwork. You are such an inspiration! :)

    If a glass bead necklace sounds good to you, you might want to visit my blog. It would be a pleasure to welcome you there.

    Greetings from Munich,

  122. I want to be a pure GODDESS!!!
    Count me in on your magic carpet ride..and thank you for your sweet comment!

  123. Hi Marie!

    I've given you a Sunshine Award!! Knowing you and reading your blog, seeing your incredible work, brings Sunshine to me! Please check out my blog to read about it! =)


  124. What a wonderful tribute! I think your creations are fantastic, I'd love to win one of your brooches! Hugs Rowena

  125. A great giveaway and words of wisdom.

  126. I am sure your thoughts are mirrored in your art, I would be honored to have one,thank you. Please stop by my blog # 840 to see the felt flower I am giving.

  127. Thank you for participating in this year's OWOH event Marie. I am hoping this Magic Carpet ride is helping lift at least a bit of your spirits in light of your mother in law's illness. I am sure she is very proud of you.
    I would be honored to enter your lovely giveaway.
    Lisa Swifka

  128. I'm so sorry about your mother in law. I would be shattered if my former MIL passed, she's been such an inspiration to me and the feeling is mutual I hope. Anyway, I would love to be a winner in your giveaway
    bless you!

  129. Great giveaway! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity.

  130. Would love to be included in your giveaway - and totally agree with your MIL, artwork should be as good on the back as the fornt!!

    What a wonderful way to honour her.

    hugs Cindy #603

  131. Cool art! Thank you so much for inviting me and thank you for entering my giveaway.
    Good luck to both of us.

  132. Thank you for the original giveaway. I would be honoured to win one. So sorry about your MIL. I was wondering where you went, now I know and I will be back to visit your blog. Thanks for coming to mine.
    violette de chicoutimi #621

  133. I'd love to win!
    Thanks for an enchanting stop on the magic carpet!
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss
    #111 on the blog tour

  134. nice to meet you,marie.i've enjoyed looking at your blog.

  135. wow, these are wonderful works of art! i would love to own one!

  136. Lovely goodies and very generous too. Please count me in yuor drawing. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. It's nice chatting with you.


  137. What a wonderful giveaway please count me in.

  138. Hi oh I love your brooches, they are so great, please enter me,
    and thank`s for your kind visit.
    I will return to take a trip on your blog.


  139. Thanks for visiting my blog! Love these ....they are very clever.....which means I'm IN to WIN.........hopefully!

  140. Oh my goodness... your brooches are absolutely beautiful! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

    Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

  141. wow I love your pieces. So much to see in each one. Hasn't this carpet ride been fun? I have made several friends here that I might never have known otherwise. Please count me in.
    If you have time, please visit my blog #651
    rachae19 at

  142. what a lovely post about Rosalie, sending you both a hug. Love your blog header and the baby picture. She looks like she is having fun. Would love to win one of your brooches and thank you for visitng my blog

  143. Sorry to hear of your loss. Your brooches are beautiful.
    Please come and join my magic carpet ride too!

  144. Would love to have a chance at winning one of your pieces! Please add my name to the growing list of hopefuls.

    And please take a moment to stop by and enter my OWOH giveaway when you get a chance as well. Nice meeting you :)

  145. very funky! love it!Great giveaway!
    Please enter me in...Hope you have a great weekend! Check out my giveaway too :)

    Much Love

  146. Oh Marie, what a sweet tribute to your mother-in-law. Back and front, this blog is beautiful. XO

    Thanks for offering up this generous giveaway! Crossing my fingers....

    I invite you to enter the drawing on my blog:

  147. I would be thrilled to win one of your Goddess brooches (love them) and would think of your mother-in-law when I wore it. She sounds like a wonderful woman.


    #162 on OWOH list

  148. Hello Marie I love your blog and I absolutely love your art!!! Ohh yessss please count me in on your giveaway.

    #350 on the magic carpet ride

  149. Who wouldn't love to have original art made by you. Count me in. xoxo.

  150. Beautiful giveaway! Please add my name to the list!! Thanks for stopping by to visit my site, too!! #686 MagicalMuleFolkArtStudio --
    Sharon Anderson

  151. hi! i;m eleni from greece! thank you for visiting my blog! your blog is fantastic!

  152. Marie, so very sorry--will be thinking of you :)

  153. Such a terrific glad I had the chance to find it. What interesting and original brooches. Also enjoyed tutorial below.

  154. Hey Marie, how are you? Love your musical goddess with all that nature and balance. Harmony inded. Like how you work.

    Blessings xJ

  155. Thank you for stopping by my blog. I am sorry to read about your mother-in-law, but happy that you have had such a lovey influence in your life. Your work is wonderful and it would be an honor to have something made by you.

  156. What beautiful unique work you do. My sympathy on your loss. (((HUGS))
    Thanks for such a fun giveaway!

  157. Wonderful creations! Thanks for flying by my blog!

  158. Your work is gorgeous! Thanks for the chance to win!

  159. Your mother in law will live always in your heart and memories. Write down some of the stories for your daughter so she can know her grandmother better someday! Your goddesses are wonderful and I would be so proud to own one.
    thanks from southern california!!

  160. thank you for viewing my blog 723. Your little figures are beautiful, and I would love to have one..
    and this is a wonderful way to create and share.
    hugs, vivian

  161. Hi!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!
    I'd LOVE to own one of your goddess brooches!! They're so creative and inspiring :)

  162. wow what a great giveaway.please add me to yours and thank you for dropping by mine,.love Glenda

  163. G'day Marie
    Please count me in for your beautiful giveaway...
    Would be nice if you could fly on over to my place #747
    OOroo... Bethel

  164. Hello Marie,
    it's nice to meet you. Please coin me in to your fantastic giveaway.
    Thank you for visiting my blog yesterday.

    Have a nice sunday.


  165. How very sad about your mother in law, please accept this hug from across the miles.

    Oh yes, please enter me in your lovely giveaway, I would so love to win one of your gorgeous goddess brooches!! If you haven't already, make sure you come by and enter mine as well, I'm #116. Thank you:-) xox

  166. What beautiful work, I love all of them and it is hard to choose which one I want. My mother was a designer of fabric. She could take anything and make something out of it, mostly my clothes. She too always preached to me the back needs to look as good as the front, and always instilled in us we could do anything we set our minds to. Your mother-in-law is a smart woman. OWOH #791

  167. You're work is wonderful..And what a great tribute.
    I am so intrigued with your blog. Love to win one of your creations so I am get an IRL look. How fabulous! Thanks for the opportunity!

  168. such a lovely offering!
    thank you for visiting my blog #774!
    blessings be on you & rosalie!!

  169. Oh Marie the brooches are wonderful. please enter my name.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH crazy polymer clay girl bracelet giveaway. #807

    That's a mouthful. :)

  170. I was sorry to read about your mother in law. Surely she'll live on in your heart. Your giveaway sounds great and I'd be one lucky carpet rider to win. Thanks for visiting me (OWOH #799)

  171. Your broaches are fun and personal. Whimsical in a happy way :-) Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind compliment!. Have a nice day!

  172. Totally cool!

    Best wishes,


  173. It's lovely of you to honor your mother in law with your participation in OWOH. I really love and am intrigued by your goddess brooch! Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH giveaway. I hope you'll be back again to visit soon!

  174. Nice to meet you! I'm sorry about your mother-in-law, this is a great tribute to her..please sign me up..and thanks for stopping to see me at #837
    *magic smiles*

  175. Oh, Marie, beautiful Marie. I am late coming here. Please, I am so very sorry I did not stop by sooner. My heart is broken to hear about your mother-in-law. She sounds like such an inspirational woman. And she raised a wonderful man to love you. My thoughts and prayers to you and your husband.

    Such a wonderful giveaway. You are as generous as you are talented.


  176. Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are having a great giveaway would love a chance to win.
    Tanya #828

  177. Hi Marie - thanks for flying by the mountain mermaid. I'd love to be included in your giveaway, too. Cheers from Colorado. - Lisa

  178. ENjoyed your blog, you have a tender heart, poems are from my heart, please stop by and visit my blog, rest your carpet a while. I would love to blog with you. Sorry to read of your sorrow.


  179. wow way cool, thanks for stopping by my blog

  180. great giveaway - thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

  181. OH MY! What amazing broaches you make! I would be thrilled to have my name picked from the growing list of hopefuls! Please count me in and thank you for your generousity!

  182. What a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
    And thanks for stopping by my blog as well! I'm #433

  183. I am almost number 200!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog on your magic carpet ride!

    I love your creations!


  184. Intriguing brooches, Marie! Your daughter is adorable - beautiful photo. I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I recently lost my sister and I know that it's hard. May you and your family have healing and peace in your time of loss. Thanks for stopping by my blog (#831) and inviting me over. Best, ~Nikki

  185. So sorry to hear of your dear mother in law's passing! You have such a beautiful, creative spirit and I love you art! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  186. Beautiful and charming blog! So magical!! So fun!!
    A beautiful and stunning treasure !
    I am traveling on my magic carpet ,my first year with OWOH flying from Connecticut.
    My blog #937

  187. Thanks for commenting on my OWOH! Great giveaway!
    Hugs, Caro

  188. You are a blessing to your Mother-in -law. A very sweet tribute.

    Madi is a doll. She looks so happy.

    Your Goddesses are so original and beautiful.
    I also loved that heart you had on your post about your husband.

    Well you also made my day by introducing me to Rusted Root. I listen to Evil Ways then had to call Larry in here to listen to all their songs. They are great. ANd look like thay are having so much fun. It really shows that they love what they are doing.

    Thank you for a great visit.
    And thank you for stopping by Turn Left at the Pigs.
    Diane #893

  189. Whoops I'm the girl from VA up in the mountains and I am sorry for getting your name wrong Marie...

  190. Hello from Oregon! Thank you so much for stopping by my site earlier. Nice to meet you!
    I'm so sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. My heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family.

    Love your brooches! So fun and whimsical. I would be honored to wear one if I were your lucky magic ticket holder!

  191. I grew hair just from scrolling to the bottom of the comment section. I am tired. I must rest. Marie, I am sorry yo hear about your Mother-in-law. Love and hugs.

  192. It looks as if I am in great company at the bottom of this page. It sounds like a great giveaway, I love your art pieces they match my avatars mood. hee hee I am of the little etsy shop and of the new blogspot mystic2awesome and back.

  193. Thanks for the blog visit, you clay works are awesome!!

  194. Hi. Thanks for stopping by my blog for the OWOH giveaway. So glad you had a chance to enter.

    Your giveaway is fantastic. Would love the chance to win.

  195. Greetings from California! What a fun prize! Your brooches are fabulous! Thank you for the chance to win!

    Glad you dropped by my place, (#755 on the magic carpet ride!) Hope you enjoyed your visit as much as I've enjoyed mine!

    Take care,
