
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sky before the Storm

These are pictures from the night before the big storm.
This is one of the most beautiful skies and I have been seeing them for days.
The fronts when they come in bring beautiful skies and maybe threats of rain.
Having painted for a good many years, when I see a sky like this I say "boy, that looks just like a painting"

But what I mean to say is,
This sky right here would make a beautiful painting.
No artist I know has anything on Mother Nature, some are very close though.
We are so blessed in her beauty every day.
We have had very liquid sunshine for days; my laundry room is flooded,
there was a tornado watch today, weird.
I am so glad I took a picture of these, they are not doing too well after slashing rain and winds yesterday and today.

They smell divine.
Stay warm and dry with love in your hearts.


  1. OOoooo beeeeutiful! Cori just told me about the tornado watch over there! That would send me into a tizzy. So sorry about your flood!! The daffodils look good to me, even if they were pounded down a little by rain. **blows kisses** Deb P.S. I still have the nudest Clauses hanging around my desk while I work!

  2. The sky has been stunning lately Marie! Stay safe and warm.

  3. We are so blessed with beauty and nature provides all that beauty for free!!

  4. Beautiful pictures! We had storms and tornado warnings last night. Nature is quite the artist. Hugs

  5. you are the first oe entered in the new giveaway! good luck! are your daffodils up already?

  6. Isn't that amazing Deb. We hardly ever have tornado watches. This has been some of the worst weather we have had in awile.
    The ground around here is so parched that the water usually goes away fast.
    I guess we have had 8-10 inches in a week though.
    I am so glad you like the Clauses even if the are nekkid.

  7. It has SusanC , your pictures are amazing.
    It was I guess all of that crazy rain and wind that was coming.
    I hope you are doing well and safe and dry yourself.

  8. So the best things in life are free Manon???
    LOL!! Too bad we have to have money.

  9. She is the supreme arteeest Lynda.
    This is crazy weather though.

  10. Yay!! Jaz thank you! I am finally 1st at something. LOL!!!

    Yes, my daffodils are up but they are confused. The weather the week before all of this crazy wind and rain was pretty springy.
    And they are pretty much bending over from the hail last night.
    Thank you for stopping by and the giveaway!!!

  11. You already have dafodils!? Oh my! We don't even have snowdrops yet, or violets (which for some reason bloom early up against the brick on the south side of the house). Hmmm, now you've inspired me to go take a look and see if I've missed anything.


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.