
Monday, January 11, 2010

Goddess #10

I was telling you about the pieces I did that prompted that 10th giveaway, this is one of them.
The 10th giveaway does not end until the 28th of January

Pieces of the description given to me.

earthy fire

red and/or gold
warrior goddesses of all cultures
There are several elements that are similar on all of the pieces.


  1. Amazing!!! I LoVe it! I would never have thought of putting it together, but then, that's why I'm not artist. **kisskiss** Deb

  2. LOL!!! Deb you are so funny, I think you are so artistic. I would call you an artist. Life is an art and if you do it ot the best of your ability, you are an artist!
    We are all artists!

  3. Thank you so much Mother Moon. I had so much fun playing this way!!!

  4. Ah, but see, mine was just a random/abstract mind accident putting it together! I had the song in my wee little brain and was scanning a photo album Mommy lent to me, and it all qualified as The Love of God. My parents are really awesome though. 67 years of marriage! **blows kisses** Deb

  5. I could never sit and think of what I would want on one, but I always find it interesting to see how others see *me*.....other than the extremely bleached blonde! ;)
    These are amazing!


  6. That is all any artist does Deb. Ingest input randomly, chew it up and digest it, and then throw it up with their own individual twist, skill set, and interpretation.
    You are indeed an artist.
    You have panache, a Je ne sais quoi, which is all you and it is gorgeous and wonderful to look upon.
    Wow!!! Congratulations to your parents on 67 years, it is a long long time.

  7. Thank you Annette. I had such a great time playing with the ideas that were sent to me.
    I can see the descriptions and the goddesses in my minds eye too and I thought to myself as I was reading them, "oh poop, what have I done? I may have to make them all." LOL!!
    Beautiful spirits to work with eh???

  8. Thank you so much Donna. If you enter the giveaway we could maybe see what a so dark angel would look like.

  9. Thank you so much Anne. As I was visiting this morning I was getting images of a Anne Goddess, I may just have to try one.
    I do not do bleached hair. LOL!!!
    I could see hearts dancing around your head though.
    Enter and see, I can ask and then interpret for it.

  10. Hi Marie!!!! so wonderful to pop in and see all the cute posts....this piece is so neat!! you are always creating some magic and I love popping in for some inspiration!!!

    Hope you have a very creative and wonderful 2010!!! and I am thrilled to be on the journey with you!!!


  11. Thank you Diana!!!
    Have a wonderful 2010. I know you will make the best of it.
    I am so grateful for you and being able to do this together too!!

  12. She turned out fabulous!!!!
    I love her face and the crown she wears!
    Good Work Marie ~: )
    Always ~Pattee

  13. You are a master at this, Marie! Wonderful!! I love how you took all the elements and put them together in such a gorgeous way!! Beautiful!! Love, Silke

  14. Hi Marie your goddess giveaway is so inspired I see a bit of turquoise in there. you are back on track girl.Creating is you.
    E XXX

  15. Oh. My. Goddess!!! That is truely fantastic! ...but I do love all your little creations!

  16. That is just amazingly stunning....


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Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.