
Monday, September 21, 2009

5th Giveaway- Trick and Treat, 12 winners

My next giveaway is a fun one and I am very excited about it. Jacquard Products the importer for Cernit Polymer clay in North America has given me 12 sets of Cernit to giveaway. There are 10 colors and a 1 ounce package of each color to play with.
You can read about Cernit here and in this blog and see all of the colors
Jacquard Products also carries an incredible amount of other products that you can see on their site.
The Clay Factory, my husband Howard's on line store carries all of Jacquard's products even if they are not posted on Howard's site yet. He can get them for you, just ask. We are working on getting them all up on the Clay Factory site.

Yep, you heard that right, 12 of them!
12 winners!!!
I think this deserves some tricks, LOL!! and we are approaching the trick or treat season, so this is soooooooo perfect. You do a trick and you may get a treat.

1. Follow me in Face book or Google, scroll down on the right.

2. If you are a winner, when you make something with this Cernit, show me your stuff. I would like blog quality pictures of what you make. Everyone starts at the beginning and I want to see what you do. No judgment just cheering. I will even help you if you have questions.

If you are willing to do this, post a comment (and follow) on this post.
Also, if you have a chance check out what my friend Lynda Watkins is doing with Phthalate free Cernit at her Blog Swoopin' along   
Wyatt wip
and some gorgeous jewelry:

I will choose the 12 winners when I get back from Sandy Camp on the 6th or 7th of October.


  1. I would really like to win a package of Cernit. I have heard about it from some other PC Artists and they are impressed with its qualities. I sculpt and also use mokume gane techniques and would be very interested in trying it in a sculpting project. Typically I use Premo as my primary clay. You can check my website at to see some of the work that I have done.

  2. I am willing. ;-)

    If I read your post correctly, that means I am registered to win, right? If not, maybe you better 'splain agin, Loooceee.


    Cindy Matthews

  3. Oooh! I don't usually work in color! That could be interesting......:)

  4. Hi Marie! I want to enter your giveaway please, I've never tried Cernit yet :) I am following your wonderful blog! :)

  5. I am in! Perfect excuse for me to get off my butt and be creative!

    It IS what I do best after all :(


  6. Oh, wow, Marie, what a giveaway! I've always wanted to try my hand at polymer clay, so I'll commit to making something AND showing it if I should be one of the lucky winners! Hope you are doing well!! Love, Silke

  7. I follow both on Google and Facebook, and I would absolutely post pics of my creations if I were to win!

    What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  8. Aiyee!!!!! I need that clay, put me in the hat. Thank you so much for showcasing Wyatt Earp and the jewelry I'm having so much fun with. Cernit is wonderful to work with. Come check out my give away this week and get in the hat for the Cernit horse head I've sculpted for someone. Thank you, Marie. I love you, girl.

  9. Marie, let me just say I love all your "give aways". You are one special woman and I am glad to know you. I can't wait for Sandy camp to give you a big ole hug gf!

  10. Ok...thank goodness for Facebook! Lynda's work is wonderful!
    I will be posting pics of what I've made from Cernit G ...just as soon as I finish something. (Oh woe to old age and the slows) I have 2 shows in November and all my "parts" are from cernit g. I love the stuff!
    Have a great time at Sandy Camp Maire! <3oll

  11. Ohhh, me,me,me...pick me. Seriously, though, what a nice give away. I like cernit and certainly need more colors. BTW, is your hubby's store online only? I will be in your area next month and was just wondering. Thanks, Susan.

  12. Woooooohooooooo
    How awesome!!!!!!

  13. Hi Marie...

    OK...I hope I did it right and joined the right Facebook Blog cause those color cernit sticks look pretty darn cool...I would be happy to make something and send you a picture...


    P.S. You are so right those links you gave us to those wonderful talented artist are fantastic...everyone needs to visit their blogs...I do often...

  14. Marie,
    Count me in the giveaway. I'm always game to try something new, as you probably know.

    On another front, I'm leading a puzzle art event at our Arts Council Autumn Arts Afternoon, we voted not to paint the puzzle pieces the way Susan had done at PCCMM, but to let the art of the puzzle pieces be a part of the design. Hope we have a great day on October 17.

    Hope you have a great Sandy Camp. Someday it will work for me to come back again.


  15. Ooh, ooh, me, me!!! I follow you on facebook and would LOVE to try out Cernit. And I'd be more than willing to share pics. What a great giveaway!

  16. oh you are always giving some cool stuff away!! holy smokes...that package looks so full of color and fun!!!


  17. Love the giveaway! WOuld love to try the clay!!! C'mon and make my day and send a pack this way!!

  18. I am so willing to share. Plus, I already follow you on facebook! I have been wanting to try Cernit but, for no good reason, haven't. This would be perfect!


  19. I've been wanting to try Cernit! This would be a great way to get started with it. (keeping my fingers crossed...)

  20. I would love to try working with Cernit. I have worked a bit with Sculpey polymer clay (but definitely still a novice).
    I am definitely willing to share a photo of my completed Cernit project.
    following blog on Google and Facebook

  21. I would love to win Cernit clay! I use Premo and Fimo, so maybe I can break out of my rut, the colors are fabulous!

    I follow you on Google and thanks for joining my blog as well.

  22. I would love to try cernit clay, I have heard a lot of good things about it. Love all of the colors.

  23. I have never used Cernit, but hear wonderful things about it. I would so very much love a chance to experiment with that sampler set :)

  24. I have never done anything with cernit before and would love to try!! Pick me Pick me!! I am following you on facebook and google. Thanks for the opportunity...I hope you had a great time on your trip!

  25. Marie, I never win anything, but I guess it's worth a try :)
    I use every clay out there, depending on the application. The only one I haven't tried is Cernit. I'd gladly make something and have you show it off.
    Miss you here in Pittsburgh - come visit!

  26. This sounds like a bunch of fun. Cernit has some very yummy colors too. I'm in!

    Tina G.

  27. Marie...
    I have wanted to try Cernit ! This would be a fun prize that would most definitely get used :o)

  28. I have been wanting to try the new Cernit! Fingers and toes crossed!!!

  29. I am new to polymer clay and would love to try Cernit. I've seen some of the wonderful items made with it. I'll be happy to show what I create if you promise not to laugh.

  30. I would love a chance to win this. Enjoyed using it at the class you taught for our guild, would love some more.

  31. I already know what I want to make......I hope I am lucky this month!



  32. Hi Marie,

    I AM following you! I'd love a chance to play with some clay and see what I can create. Thanks for the offer and chance to win :)

    Your beading buddy,

  33. Hope you time at Sandy Camp is inspiring, rejuvenating and relaxing. I would love to enter your giveaway. Count me in !
