
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Madi has an announcement to make...

I love my frog and he has the best eye.
OH and my grandma also wanted me to tell you, her and papa picked the winner for the Bella necklace grandma made.
Grandma and papa are giving away stuff for a year because they are so grateful to be alive and have a business they love. You can read about that here.

First grandma wrote all of the names one at a time on the piece of paper.
Grandma usually does this with a random number generator, but she decided it would be more fun if her and papa did this together.
Then she checked them to make sure the numbers and the names matched.

She cut them all up with the big scissors that I can not play with.
Mixed them up again to be sure. There were 38 of you this time and she read to me what some of you said, so nice of you all. My grandma just loves that part.
Some times she gets a kleenex, but don't tell her I was watching her that close. She thinks I am just a baby, I don't want to spoil her fun.

She folded them up real small and
put them in one of papa's coffee cups.

She took the cup to papa and he couldn't get his hand in there, it is really big, so he had to take his little finger and fold it up so he could reach them and then he swished them around in there again.
Silly grandma didn't tell him she had already done that lots.

He picked out one and gave it to grandma and it was...

Grandma was excited. She said this Bella necklace was going all the way to Australia.
She said that her friend Bella's words and paintings travel all over the world in peoples hearts and minds, so it is only right that the necklace should go faraway too!!!
Grandma says that you all should go look at Bella's art work because she makes cute little girls like me all of the time.
Some of the girls are bigger than me though.
ArtGal you need to get in touch with my grandma so she can send the Bella necklace to you. Grandma's email is on her profile page.
Oh and congratulations!


  1. Hi Madi, gosh Sweetie you did that so well! lol I have to say that you're so precious! Would you be so kind to say Congrats to ARTGAL CRAFTS for me. Also, please tell your grandmom I send my love and giant hugs! Thanks Honey!

  2. Oh what a beautiful beautiful baby !!

    i lost my focus from somewhere the 3rd line onward.. was drawn to the sweet gazes and smiles of the angel!!

  3. Hi .Marie
    just saw on your site I have won the latest give away
    I am so overwhelmed.
    AMAZING and exciting.Thank You so muchXXX.
    Thank you good man for his help for me too XXX.
    I will treasure this amazing Gift.
    To have something from you is indeed an honour .
    Wait til I show my Polyclay gals.
    I just cant get over this.You are so generous, and loving and as one of your commenters said we need more in this world like you XXX
    My G/G daughter Isabella nearly 2was the inspiration for my entering the Givaway, as your necklace is called Bella and is so sweet and dainty and pretty and will remind me of her.
    My beautiful Bella necklace from Marie Segal will forever be one of my treasured possesions.
    I am all the richer from knowing you all
    all my love

  4. Hi Marie,,, I see Madi is such a big help to her Grandma! Congratulations to the big winner! I hope you had a great 4th weekend. I have been under the weather, but I am sure I will be good as knew soon. Have a great week,,, happy creating, (()) gail

  5. Well what a lucky duck.

    But oh my goodness. Look at Madi's dimples.

    Madi your grandma needed kleenex because she has a heart of pure gold.

    Love Renee xoxo

  6. oh so sweet and congrats to the lucky winner!!! Marie you are so kind and I love when you make these posts all creative and fun!!!


  7. She is so precious! What joy she brings. Congrats ArtGal Crafts! Hugs, Lynda

  8. Bobbi Grandma here LOL!!! Thank you, I will tell Artgal, I am sure she has read it already though. Love and hugs to you. Madi says "thank you, I told her for you Bobbi!"

    Silver welcome and Madi says "visit anytime, I like you, you are beautiful too!"

    Artgal I will come back to you!

    Gail get better fast and stay cool! Madi says "I am the biggest help".

    Renee Madi here- She gets kleenexes when you write her sometimes. I think she thinks you have a heart of gold too! She gets kleenexes when I am doing cute stuff too. I don't get it, I laugh when I am happy, not my grandma.

    Diana Thanks Diana, Howard and I were cracking up when we did this. Such fun imagining what she is thinking. Thank you! Madi says "I am sweet like you".

    Lynda She does, Lynda she does! Madi says "big people are precious too, like you!!!"

  9. ARTGAL- Congratulations on winning this special necklace, it has good intentions, protection, and good luck wrapped up in it.
    And Isabella was a great reason to enter.
    I wanted everyone to win but I could not be happier than to have Bella going to stay with you.
    Thank you so much!

  10. Oh, congrats to Artgal. She is a sweetie and makes the loveliest comments. Madi did a great job helping. She is a sweetie. You are such a kind soul to have the giveaway. We appreciate you in so many ways. Much love. Susan.

  11. She's adorable Marie!

    Congratulations Elizabeth! You are a lucky winner! It's a beautiful necklace!

  12. Susan I think you are so right about ArtGal, what a positive influence.
    Thank you, trying to think of what to do for the next giveaway.
    Madi says "you are a sweetie too"

    Donna Thank you!!
    Madi thinks you are pretty cute too!

  13. I just wanted to look at your dear Madi's sweet face.

    What is wrong dearest friend. What is going on?

    You are never a nut and never will be.

    Who died dear one and who is sick?

    Why are you beating yourself up? Don't do that, it is not a good thing to do Marie.

    You are so caring and wonderful, you cannot do everything for everyone and be there all of the time for people.

    I love you Marie and I think you are one of the most special people there are.

    You need to take care of you to right?

    If I can help you I will gladly.

    By the way Sheeanna is Sonia's daughter so if you go through Sonia you should be able to get to her, she is fantastic.

    Love Renee xooo

  14. Hi Marie
    My beautiiful, Bella necklace arrived yesterday. I was in the middle of teaching my Polymer clay gals group, and also we have a group of pergamano card making ladies there as well.
    Can you imagine how excited I felt knowing this was it and being able to open it and to share my first glimpses with my friends.
    There were about 16 there.
    I feel so honoured to have been sent this necklace from you Marie Words cant express how I really feel.
    Everyone loved it and we all marvelled at the things you had done that we cant do.
    I love all the Copper wire, the heart is so different to anything I have.
    The flowers are so nice and typical your work., So imagine what I feel when I know I have this lovely special piece of jewelry right from your heart to mine.
    Thank you so much for going to all the trouble of sending it all this way to Aus and to me.
    I will treasure it.
    Just look where Polymer Clay has taken me, things I would never have dreamt of, lovely friends, and now my first recieved Giveaway.
    Beautifully packaged too
    Love to you XXXX


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.