
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Daley Ranch

I love this place, it is in the north county of San Diego and it is beautiful. There are hiking trails all through the hills and valleys of  North East Escondido out by Dixon Lake.  You will run in to all kinds really nice people that all say hi. I love that. There will be bikers and runners all over with just plain walkers of all kinds. It is called Daley Ranch.  Over 3000 acres of loveliness, sage, and scrub brush.
I went up there with one of my blog buddies, Brittany, for a walk this spring and it is was breath taking. The wild flowers where everywhere. It is similar to the desert in that the beauty is very subtle. I love the desert and I love Daley Ranch. There are small lakes, flat areas with grasses as tall as I am. Ducks, coyotes, redtail hawks, ravens and other assorted wild life everywhere you look. Such a treat. It is also one of those rare places that there are people at that feels like you are the only one out there at all. Right now if you go you should bring water with you and wear a hat. I am not even going to venture out there right now. The first hill in is a bear to get up and in this heat probably not too much fun for me.
And look at this... wouldn't this make a great subject to paint. It is part of the old working part of Daley Ranch and where the out house is if you need it. No toilet paper sometimes. It is on the left side of the road from this.
And this... isn't this great???
There is also a great grassy area under trees right before this that you can throw out a blanket and have a nice lunch or dinner. Or you can use the picnic benches they have out there.
This is probably a mile into the ranch maybe two. So it is a little trek to get to it.
Please, if you do go, don't smoke out there, it is too dangerous to even mess with and take your trash to the cans or with you when you leave.
This is a nice place, let's keep it that way please.

Another beautiful wild flower from the ranch.
Dixon Lake is also a really wonderful place to have a picnic or barbeque.
Tables and little shaded areas that can be reserved for the day.


  1. Hi Marie, gosh, it's so beautiful! I'll bet that you and Brittany had a great time that day! Thanks so much for sharing these fantastic pictures! Now I can see a very good reason that you love it where you's gorgeous! Hot, some fires, ok, earth quakes to but damn it's gorgeous! The old buildings or maybe they were stables are just fabulous! And that out house is a hoot! I love it and you're so right, it would make a wonderful painting! Thanks so much again Marie for sharing this, I really enjoyed it! I hope that you have a great rest of your day!
    Giant hugs and love to you my dear friend...

  2. I hope your son will prosper now...

    Lynyrd Skynyrd's plane went down maybe 29 miles from my house (I lived in Mississippi at the time). It was hauled into town, and everyone drove by to see it. It was barely recognizable as a plane by this point. I thought about picking up a piece, but I couldn't think of a worthwhile reason for doing so, so I didn't.

  3. It's sounds like a place that I would love. A place to wander about and see pieces of the past. Lucky you to have such beauty. I laughed to myself when you said where people say 'hi' to you. Everyone waves at you here, even when you are driving. I try to pay close attention so I can wave back...don't want to offend anyone! LOL Hugs to you

  4. LOL!! when you say it that way Bobbi, I am wondering why the hell I like it so much. Eathquakes have always been interesting to say the least, I like them though, as long as I am not in LA or a place with tall buildings and glass and not on a bridge or in a elevator. LOL!!
    I am so glad you did enjoy it though. Have a GREAT day friend!

  5. From your mouth... Snowbrush,
    Thanks for the visit.
    I remember that crash, it was devistating and so tramatic. Sad, sad thing!

  6. That is the thing that I love about your state Lynda, some of the most outwardly friendly people in the world.
    Actually believe it or not when I was small that is how my grandfather was here. It always impresses me when I find that some place. It is so rare here now.

  7. It looks like there are snakes in the old structures! hello. I just wante to say Hello to you Marie. I am swamped at work. I can't believe how busy I am but you are so sweet to miss me. I can visit but probably not post until I am able to breath.

  8. Hello Ces and smooches to you!!!


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