
Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Bella Sinclair award.

This is a very special award and the person it was made for is a very special woman. She is a sister-friend, a talented artist, A great mom, a poet, a mental ninja, a muse, beautiful, a genius, and her friend-sister Ces created it for her.

This is what Ces says about the award...

Read the whole post here.

"Ces created the Bella Sinclair Award in honor of Bella Sinclair exceptional woman and brilliant artist who epitomizes the concept of the artist as inspiration, of sisterhood, caring and sharing. It is symbolized by the Quercus lobata or Valley Oak, a handsome and graceful tree with a sturdy trunk, up to 5 ft in diameter and 120 feet tall, the largest western deciduous oak."

She also said
"I designed this award to celebrate art in the blogs and to honor the value of friendship, sisterhood, sharing and caring. It is to be awarded to the gifted, accomplished, eloquent and talented blogger whose friendship and influence inspire us to do our best. That I named it after Bella Sinclair is because she epitomizes all of these things. She is an inspiration to many of us.

I have chosen to symbolize this award with the Quercus lobata or Valley Oak. It is a simple and unadorned award but heavy on meaning. The Valley Oak is a large handsome tree with a stout and sturdy trunk and widely spreading branches that form a broad open crown. It can reach up to a height of 100 feet and a diameter of 4 feet, sometimes much greater. It is the largest of the western deciduous oaks and is a handsome and graceful shade tree.

I hope that when Bella returns, this award would have already circulated in the blogs. It is my honor to give this award to the first recipients who I hope will find the same pleasure as I have in spreading its crown, giving shade and the comfort of friendship and caring and of sisterhood by sharing this award with their blog-friends and sisters!

Now here are my babies, go out and pick other sister friends, spread the crown, give shade and comfort and caring to your blog and sister friends.
This is a lovely award!


  1. Oy! Sus! You can't give the award to me. I created it. Thank you anyway.

    BUT BUT BUTT!...As for your comment about healers: OH NO! Marie! I don't think so. I can't even heal myself. Are you kidding?!!!

    I am such a nervous wreck when it comes to my own affairs.

  2. I can give the award to you, you are all of the things you said the award was about.

    And the healer comes in many forms with many abilities. You listen that is a big one.

    And you know the story about the shoe cobblers children not having any shoes and the plumber with everyting backed up. They are so busy doing for others.

    You are very hard on yourself Ces, it is what makes you a person with ethic and awreness. And a perfect sister friend and healer with talent and art in your blog, you are gifted, sharing, ELOQUENT, and you do inspire, you deserve the award too.

  3. Well thank goodness I am not a plumber and if I am a shoe cobbler, believe me, I will make the best shoes for myself! Are you kidding? SHOES? Mo none and other have, Shoes, Seesh Marie! Me and shoes. But I am exempted from the award. It's like Congress passing legislation to exempt certain people from paying taxes and then include themselves on the "certain" people group. I will have to consult with Bella about this.

  4. The two of you make me laugh! A good feeling laughter that leaves a smile on my face. Thank you so much for this beautiful award, Marie. Not knowing Bella, but caring and reading about her through you guys lets me know that she is special and how ultra special this award is.
    I will proudly post it on my blog.
    Thank you Ces for creating it and you,Marie, for thinking of me. Love and Hugs, Lynda

  5. Marie, Wow, thank you so much for this wonderful honor and this beautiful award! Learning about Bella how how very special and caring and loving she is, think that you've given me this also Marie, gosh Sweetie, thank you so much! I'm very honored! I will be so proud to post this wonderful award on my blog! If you could see my face, I have the biggest smile ever! Giant hugs to you my friend!
    Hugs and love...

  6. Oh my goodness Marie - I'm speechless! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so honored that you would even think of me, let alone bestow this wonderful award to me. Wow - I'm a so verklempt!

    You are an inspiration to me. I am so glad I found you in this wonderful world of blogging. Thank you so much.

    Big Hugs,


  7. Thank you so much Marie! What a beautiful award!

  8. Sweet Marie,

    My eyes are blurry from tears. I thank you so much for this award. I am undeserving of such an honor. I am just a little, silver haired, stay at home wife and artist. I love my fellow bloggers and am so moved and inspired by them. Thank you so very much.

    Susan - A Walk In The Park

  9. Marie! OMG!!! T hank you so much!!!
    That means the world to me comming from you!

  10. Congrats Marie!!! you deserve it and it is a wonderful award created by our very sweet CES!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!


  11. I am so blessed to meet so many wonderful and talented people through blogging....thanks for being so sweet....I love the friendships and the fun we have sharing our lives...even though we are miles is nice to be with great company!!!


  12. Hi Marie...thank you have been such a sweet and dear friend...your words of encouragement and support always make my day!!!


  13. I have to agree...we all need a little cheerleader....and this is such a great award and an honor!!!

    Have a wonderful night and may you keep creating and living your dreams....


  14. It is a dream...I have to pinch myslef everyday....hugs and you too...have a wonderful night!!!

  15. Thanx sister-friend. You're a well!

  16. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

    Another award from a beautiful lady! x

    Have you checked out my other blog??
    You might like that too.

    Take care


  17. Hi Marie,,, Thank you so very much for such a sweet award. Thank you for all of the very nice things you have said about me. It is very nice hearing this sometimes:) YOur such a great person and a wonderful artist. I will pass this award on with honor. Thanks again.. have a pretty day. HUGs, Gail

  18. Marie, this is so thoughtful! It's a truly lovely award, and I certainly admire Ces for creating it. I must go learn more about Bella, too!

    You are very sweet! Thank you!

  19. Oh goodness, Marie. That brings tears to my eyes. It is certainly not an award I deserve. I didn't know Bella but I have seen just how much it has affected everyone which speaks to how special she is. I will be very proud to post it and help pass it on. Thank you for the honor.

  20. Oh Marie, you have such a good good heart. I'm glad to be sitting under the tree with you.
    XXXX, Cassy

  21. Hope you are feeling better Marie & enjoy your weekend!

    SpOOky Cheers!

    SpOOky CK (-'


  22. Hello Marie,
    This is a beautiful award and so beautifully written! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I'm very blessed and honored to receive it! :) Cindy

  23. Hello Love! How are you today? Hope you are having a lovely Friday. Clack clack clack. I am working.

  24. Marie, thank you so much. Your support and comments mean so much to me.

  25. I finally figured out how to post it on my blog. I'm so excited! Thanks again, Marie!

  26. You are so welcome CS Goddess!!!


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.