
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A note from the Universe...

One of the best things I have done for myself, ever, is sign up to get notes from the Universe at

Here is why...

There will always be people in your life, marie, who hold you back, who cost you too much, and who fail to see all you've done for them. But, of course, they're just there to teach you that you do have time, that you'll always be rich, and that your own high standards are all that matter.
You knew that,

The Universe

a little advertisement
Kid and adult sizes! Sweet, simple, and profound, these clever bracelets are a daily reminder to choose them wisely...

"Thoughts Become Things" Bracelets! Choose the good ones!
Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ® © ®

and then more

Sounds like a good deal to me, marie.

I spent 5 minutes, agreed to be happy (might be the hardest part) and everyday, 5 days a week I get a message like this. It is the best 5 minutes I have ever wasted in my life. And when Howard was sick, some days it saved my life. I look forward to these little messages of synchronous delight every week day and miss them on the weekends. My friend Meredith gets them and you would be shocked at how tailored they are for each person.

Just thought I would share.

Here is the first one I got.


  1. Ah. no way! Don't let anyone hold you back. Forget them. You are too beautiful and too full of life to be stopped. The world needs you. My world is fuller because of you in it. I don't even have to be a vampyre or wizard, just my plain old self, knowing that you are there living and having fun and we visit each other to say hello and remind each other that we are blessed!

  2. Thank you Ces. With those reminders I get everyday, I remember that it is people like you that are the gold in my life.
    And my world is fuller too Ces, because of you!

  3. Marie I forgot I had changed the banner.

    I love these things from the universe I think I will have to go and sign up.

    Love Renee xoxo

  4. I love the new banner. I think it is the oranges and redish colors.

    I love Ces' lady that she repainted too, I think because of the intensity of those colors.

    The universe is a wonderful thing!
    It is just so perfect some days.

  5. Well, I'm signing up right now. We all need words to make us shake off the cobwebs and get going! I do! Thanks, Marie!

  6. Isn't that the truth Lynda?
    Have a GREAT day.

  7. oh wow!!! I just got goosebumps...and I love this...and it is not time wasted...but a way to get back in gear and focus...

    I am heading to this site...thanks for sharing it with us.....


  8. I hooked up to the universe thing and I love it.

    Love your comment sweet Marie.


  9. Been getting those messages for a long time now. They are indeed beautiful, and at times life-altering. Your art is amazing! ~Nards~

  10. Thank you Nards.
    They are indeed lovely little pearls. I am so grateful.


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.