
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

1st Giveaway, Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts

Howard and I wanted to do something special this year and we wanted to do it with all of you. We have been in the Polymer clay and craft supply business for 30 years, this year. That, my dear friends is a feat. We have also been married for 30 years this year and let me tell you that is a monumental feat!! LOL!!
Sometimes though, it has been the business that has been tougher. At least we have had each other and you.

We have met many, many, many wonderful people, friends, customers, and acquaintances in all the years we have been doing this and some of those mentioned are no longer with us for many reasons and we can not thank them personally. We are grateful for each and every one of you. You have touched our hearts and I hope that we have touched yours.
THANK YOU from the very bottoms and tops of our hearts; you are our light and our life.

We were looking for a way to pay it forward and backwards and to let you know that you matter to us and you are perfect just the way you are. We think we have come up with a wonderful way to celebrate this.

This is going to be the beginning of a year of giving. It will take us through our anniversaries, Children’s birthdays (happy birthday, Shas!!!), grandchildren’s birthdays and many more important family and business celebrations. I am counting on hitting some of yours too.

The giveaways will happen at irregular intervals, so it is probably best if you follow, but it is not a requirement. I am so grateful to have you if you do decide to follow.
There is only one thing you have to do and that is to leave a comment to the giveaway post in question at the time.

I will count all of the responses and generate a random number from (I have also added the generator to the blog if you want to use it) and announce the winner the day after the contest closes.

This first giveaway is brought to you by these lovely and wonderful people and companies; with out them this would not be possible at all. Please make an effort to visit their sites. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you:

Clay Factory


Art Glitter

Makin’s Clay

Jacquard Products

I am going to run this till the 14th of June, that is Sunday, and the contest will close at 12 midnight PDT

Here is what you will get:
Art Institute Glitter- basic set with fabric glue
Sculpting tool
Bamboo skewer
Clay blade
Set of 3 round cutters
2- 2 ounce blocks of Cernit phthalate free clay in black
Pendant I made from photographing the step by step instructions
Step by step instructions

added 06/17/09
#16 Myra Katz won the giveaway, congratulations Myra! There were two duplicate posts and those were eliminated.


  1. Count me in! This is a wonderful giveaway!
    sarah skeen

  2. I would love to learn how to do all that amazing polymer clay art!

  3. You guys have worked so hard for the clay community! We should be giving to you!

  4. Hey Mur,
    Your generosity has always been over the top and this is no exception. Thanks so much for all you have done for the clay community (both of you!). Your contributions are a legacy that continues to support so many artists and what a wonderful, giving thing. It makes me think of that saying "the gift that keeps on giving" - next to it in a Webster's Dictionary is a picture of Marie and Howard Segal! xxoo

  5. Hugs to you and Howard. You two have given more to the clay community then I think you will ever know. Thank you guys for being you. hugs from Bakersfield

    Munchie and Kathi

  6. Hi Marie and Howard :)
    What a great give away ! I've been dying to try the Art Glitter. :)

  7. Congratulations on 30 years together in life and business! That is truly a feat to be celebrated!! Here's wishing you 30 more and then some!

  8. 30 years in no small feat in any endeavor. Congratulations.


  9. ...and thank you two, for all you've done for the clay community -- and me!!

  10. What a fabulous giveaway! Please count me in as well! Thank you!!!

  11. wow, how nice from you to do this!
    polymer clay-greetings from Italy and best wishes,
    XO Leila

  12. Thank you!!! for your contributions to the PC world.

  13. Count me in sweets.

    But what I am really here to say Marie is thank you in helping me see clearly a gentle couple just loving each other.

    I always knew that was a huge part of it, the two reasons you gave, but for some reason while you talked about you and your husband. I understood it and appreciated it even more.

    Love Renee xoxo

  14. Hugs to one of the nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet and know over these who is blessed in talent and Love (HUGS on your 30 years) ..

    Please count me in on this wonderful event!


  15. It's ALWAYS fun to win! Especially clay!

  16. Thank you so much for this generous offer!


  17. Marie I adored your comment and it was good because of the women we are now.


  18. Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I enjoy reading your blog!

  19. Congratulations on the business, and the marriage! It is so nice to see that people can still "stand to be around each other" for the long haul! So which was harder to stand? the business with each other, or the marriage?

  20. Wow how wonderful of you to do this! Count me in.

  21. It is a feat to be in business this long! I just left you a comment on bead-space, which is how I found out about this giveaway, about luminere. Here's to you for being in business for 30years! It's been a lot of hard work, but a lot of good times too, I'm sure! Leslie

  22. I want to be in for the giveaway too!

  23. I have been wanting to try my hand at clay. This would be a wonderful inspiration to get at it! Put my name in the hat please! Congratulations on your 30years! Joni Stinson

  24. Marie,
    You are so generous with your time and your goods. You have wonderful friends because you are a wonderful friend yourself! I'm so glad to be one of your friends!!!!

  25. I'm with Meredith. You are the one who has always contributed so much and so long to the polymer clay community, Marie. I learned clay at your pretty little feet. All those years of coming down to the Clay Factory on Clay Days.....

  26. I'm new to your blog, but please count me in. Thanks.

  27. Congratulations on both anniversaries Marie!!

  28. Love a give away!! But you give all the time! Thanks a bunch for all the wonderful things you've provided through the years!!

  29. Count me in!! Thanks for all the polymer inspiration!!

  30. Hi Marie first of all Congrats on the 30 yrs of marraige.
    I know how that feels when being 30yrs with your soul mate as I was with mine.
    He died 6 yrs ago, but has left me with happy mems of our time.
    Then next, to be in business all those years what a feat.
    Congrats on that too.
    Before the blogs I did know of you, so you have reached out to the world and been very giving with your knowledge so thank you for that.
    Your giveaway if it goes to a person who can learn about polyclay and be another follower wont that be great.
    Altho I would be honoured to have something from such a generous person as you Marie

  31. http://www.papermoonies.blogspot.comMay 24, 2009 at 3:32 PM

    FINALLY I am here to enter in the blog... What a dork I am right!!
    Also I subscribe to your feed now too. because I want to know when you do a post... Will I know now?

  32. How sweet of you! You're such a thoughtful person. I enjoy reading you!

  33. Wow! The giveaway sounds awesome. Thank you!

  34. oh my goodness! what a giveaway! looks like we became facebook friends at just the right time. ;)

    congratulations on your many accomplishments, not the least of which is your wonderful marriage. and here's to many more!

  35. Marie,
    Congratulations on making it to 30 years in both your business and especially in your marriage! Hugs to both you and Howard.

    Helen Hughes

  36. Hi Marie and Howard,
    Congradulations on 30 years! I'm looking forward to seeing Marie next week.

  37. Wow, 30 years - that's fantastic. Congratulations. Please count me in! Thank you!

  38. Congratulations on 30 years marriage and business!

    Please add my name to the draw for the giveaway.

  39. What a wonderful thing for you to do. We should all have a day to give back for all good things that have come our way.

    Thank you,

  40. Hi Marie, wow, what a awesome giveaway, you can count me in for sure! It's fantastic that you and Howard have been together now for 30 years...Congrats to you and to Howard, not only for your marriage but for your buisness as well, how wonderful! You're a very special and loving lady that I'm happy to know.
    Love and giant hugs...

  41. Oh I would love to be counted in!
    Sounds wonderful.


  42. a little sparkle makes the darkest of days brighter


  43. Yes! I would love to be able to win! I love you already! Thank you! Astrid

  44. Marie,

    Contgratulations on 30 years of Marriage and Crafts! What a journey it has been. Here's toasting to another 30 years!

    Thank you for your friendship and support, especially during this past year.



  45. oh how wonderful....Happy Anniversary!!!

    thank you for being so sweet...I am so happy to have found your blog....


  46. What a wonderful thing to do! The first inspiration I had that steered me toward the art of polymer clay (and my sanity..LOL), was a picture of your work! It is I who should be thanking YOU.

  47. WOW! Thank you! Thirty years is a great milestone! The giveaway looks wonderful!

  48. (a)Christa
    I'm new to this,but count me in. Congrads on your double 30's.

  49. Wow, awesome, congratulations on the anniversary and the biz, I aspire to keep my biz that long and I don't think i will live long enough to have the anniversary since i am already 53 and haven't even met mr. right yet, LOL You know I have been hoarding stuff to get going on this venue, so i am ready to be in this giveaway! May be the catalyst I need to get off my butt!! Dori

  50. Happy 30!! I love love love all your glitter goodness. I teach stamping classes here in Chandler at Stamp Works - where your glitter products are treasured by many paper crafters! I think I need to come visit since you are so close! What a great giveaway you are having. Lori Barnett -

  51. Wow what an incrediable give away! So very generous of you! I would love a chance to win it!! I am fairly new to polymer clay and am addicted completely!!! I sure hope that I will be still be doing it in 30 years!! Congratulations on that!! What fun!

    Have a great day,

  52. Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway. Count me in. :)


  53. I have been making things with polymer clay for a LONG time (probably a little longer than you have been doing it, but just for me, not to such a great audience), and it is a wonderful craft and many times I have seen your name and what you have created and been impressed and inspired, and I think you have given a great deal more to a great many more people than you will ever realise. Thank you :)

  54. Thirty years? You are an inspiration! Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
    xo corinne

  55. I would like to be counted in also. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate.

  56. My goodness you have a heart of gold. As if all the sharing of skills at the retreat wasn't enough and come home and find this. God Bless.

  57. Dear Wonderful People...

    You are what the world needs more of...
    Thank you for demonstrating such a generous spirit...
    You make me resolve to go out ito the world and do likewise....

    Thank you... Linda Nordstrom


I am so glad you stopped by. Please leave your words of wisdom. I look forward to them and I so enjoy reading them all.
Live to love, Love to create, and create to connect.